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Unit 4 The World of Numbers

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Unit 4 The World of Numbers


Unit 4 The World of Numbers

华师附属南国实验学校实习队 by huang shaofang ⅰ. period: the 1st period ⅱ. teaching content: reading a in page 50 ⅲ. teaching type: reading ⅳ. teaching aim: ø         language: acquire some knowledge about the ancient numbers, the system of numbers and calculating machines. learn some expressions of calculation, e.g. odd number, even number, add, plus, subtract, minus, multiply, times, divide, equals, a percentage. ø         ability: do some simple calculations ø         emotion: beware students of the concept: all subjects are closely related. we should not favour one or some subjects and neglect another or others. if you study one subject well, it will be helpful for you to study other subjects. ⅴ. teaching tool: multi-media ⅵ. difficult and important points ⅶ. teaching procedure: 1. greetings (1min) 2. lead-in (raise some questions) (5mins) t: do you know what subject i will teach today? english? chinese? or math? s(predicted): englsh. t: are you sure? i am afriad not. i’d like to teach you math today. are you good at math? let’s do some quizzes to see how well your math is. q1: how many boys are there in our class? s(predicted): thirteen. (the teacher writes down the number on the blackboard) q2: how many girls are there in our class? s(predicted): twelve. (the teacher writes down the number on the blackboard) q3: how many students are there in our class? s(predicted): twenty-five. (the teacher writes down the number on the blackboard) q4: how do you know? suggested answer: add thirteen and twelve. we get fifteen. thirteen plus twelve equals fifteen. so our class consists of thirteen boys and twelve girls. q5: we have four classes in our grade. if every class has twenty-five students, how many students are there in our grade? suggested answer: one hundred. q6: do you know who invented these numbers? the arabians or the indians? suggested answer: the indians. q7: what machines can we use to calculate numbers? suggested answers: abacus, electronic calculator, computer 3. learn some new words and expressions. (interwoven with the above process) (10mins) (1) “add…and…”, “…plus…equals…”, “consist of”: add thirteen and twelve. we get fifteen. thirteen plus twelve equals fifteen. so our class consists of thirteen boys and twelve girls.


Unit 4 The World of Numbers
