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英语七年级下人教新课标 Unit2教案

英语七年级下人教新课标 unit2教案
period one
important sentences:
is there a library on bridge s treet?
yes, there is. no, there isn’t.
is there a library near here?
yes, there is. no, there isn’t.
there is a library near my house. there isn’t a school near my house.
step1 revision
review the preposition that the students have learned by showing them the pictures
step2.present the new words
show a map with many buildings in it.
t: look at this picture. this is a map of lily’s town. these buildings are near lily’s house. what place is it?
s: it is a bank.
t: spell it, please.
ss: b-a-n-k.
repeat with other new words
post office, park, bank, supermarket, pay phone, street, airport
step3 present the prepositions
t: look at the blackboard. what can you see in the picture?
s: we can see a supermarket, a bank, a hotel, a park, a post
office, a pay phone, a restaurant, and a libr ary. so the post office  is on bridge street and near here.” is there a post office near here?
s: yes, there is. it’s on bridg e street.
t: is there a school near here?
s: no, there isn’t.
t: is there a library on bridge street?
s: no, there isn’t. it’s on fifth avenue.
show the map and let them practice in pairs
is there ……..
yes, there is. it’s on center street. / no, there is not.
(then do 1a)
step4 1 a.
this activity introduces the key vocabulary.
 focus attention on th e picture. ask students to name as many of the places they see in the picture as they can. then name all the places and ask students to repeat.
point out the numbered list of words. say each one and ask students to repeat.
then ask students to match each word or phrase on the list with one of the pictures.
say, write the letter of each place in the picture next to the correct word or
words on the list. point out the sample answer f.
check the answers.
answers. 1.f 2.a 3.e 4.i 5.c 6.b 7.h 8.g 9.d
step5  1b.
this activity gives students  practice listening to and understanding the target language.
   point ou t the buildings and other locations in the picture.
say the name of each one to the class.
say, now i will play recordings of three conversations. listen carefully and  circle the
pictures of each place you h ear on the tape.
 play the recording the first time. students only listen.
play the recording a second time. this time ask students to listen and circle the items
they hear on the picture.
correct the answers
these items should be circled: video arcade, post office, supermarket
step6 1c
this activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.


