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Unit 12 Don’t eat in class!教案1

unit 12 don’t eat in class!
1. don’t arrive late for class.
2. don’t listen to music in the classrooms or the hallways.
3. can we listen to music?
4. do you have to wear a uniform at school?
5. what else do you have to do ?
6. don’t go out on school nights.
7. practice your guitar every day .
8. i have too many rules in my family.
9. i can’t meet my friends after school because i have to do my homework.
10. i have to be in bed by ten o’clock.
11. i have to help my mom make dinner.
1. arrive 到达,抵达
arrive at + 小地点  arrive at school 到达学校
    arrive in +  大地点 arrive in beijing 到达北京
get to + 地点 get to beijing 到达北京 get home 到家 get there 到那儿
    reach + 地点  reach beijing 到达北京  reach home 到家
例题1. do you know when the train will _____ here?
    a. arrive in    b. arrive at   c. arrive    d. arriving
例题2. we _______ beijing at 8:00 last night.
    a. got  b. arrived at    c. arrived    d. got to
2. be late for + 名词  ……迟到
he was late for school yesterday. (同义句)
例题3. it’s not good to be late _____ school.
    a. for   b. to    c. at   d. with
3. at school 在上学,在求学   in the school 在学校里
4. have to do sth不得不做某事
例题4. it’s raining outside so you _____ take an umbrella with you.
    a. must    b. has to   c. have to   d. can 
5. on school nights 上课期间的晚上
  例题5. i left that city ______ a rainy afternoon.
    a. in    b. on   c. at   d. of 
6. too many + 可数名词  “太多”  too many books 太多的书
  too much +  不可数名词“太多” too much homework 太多的家庭作业
  例题6. they have _____ work to do.
    a. too many   b. much too   c. too much   d. many too
7. no smoking! = don’t smoke!  请勿吸烟!
8. by  在……以前, 到……为止
  例题7. i can’t go to bed ______ 10 o’clock. i have a lot of homework to do .
    a. at    b. in   c. by   d. for  
9. be in bed     “睡觉,卧床”
    in the bed “在床上”  go to bed   “上床睡觉”强调动作



