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新课标Unit 1备 第4课时


section b 4 5 and self check

教   学   目   标1、知识目标: a) 听说读写单词how  are   you   i   am  fine   thanksb) 熟练掌握问候语c) 了解音素的意义,学习认识因素三个/ei/  / i:/ 2、能力目标:a) 复习巩固所学问候语:good morning / afternoon / evening. hello / hi . how are you ? i`m fine ,thanks.b) 学会归纳总结,善于发现学习规律。比方:page5  4 总结发音规律。3、情感目标:合作式探究学习中发现互帮互助的意义与快乐,并学唱英语歌曲,增强热爱生活的信心和力量。

自     学    提    纲activity 1 the textbook : page 5  part 5 listen and sing the song. this activity gives the students practice in the language they have learned in this unit by singing a song.学唱英语歌曲,充分调动学生学习的积极性,热情高涨的状态下复习巩固了所学的日常交际用语。activity 2 show the learning tasks . 重在认识了解音素的含义并学会归纳总结的学习方法,然后自我检查本单元所学。activity 3 page 5  part 4 listen and repeat. this activity gives the students pronunciation practice for the vowels they have learned so far.   a  a  dale  grace / frank  thanks  e  b  c  d  e  g  evening  f  helen 先听熟悉发音,再听寻找规律,学生会发现每一行中有相同的发音,借以引起音素教学,使学生明白音素是英语的读写形式,其最小单位就是音素,类于汉语的声母,韵母,与母语进行对比式教学便于学生了解音素地内涵及其重要性。activity 4反复听读发音,感受发音的内涵:气流从肺中压出,进入口腔经发音器官调节而成。出示发音器官图片,使学生真正明白发音的意义并发音器官在发音中所占的重要位置。学习认识音素 / ei /   / i: / ,要求学生会读会写明白发音要领,可以幻灯出示发音要领由学生自己试着发音。page 6  part 4 read the letters and words in column a. then try to read the new word in column b . 学生学习发音及其规律以后,试着发其他单词,会有一种成就感,继而引起对英语学习的浓厚兴趣。补充内容1.a guessing game teachers show a part of a letter and ask,“what’s this?”get the students to answer the questions like this“i think it’s a/b.”then show the whole of the letter to let the students check whether they’re right or wrong.2.self check 1 可以小组活动,听写音标和单词。

自  学  提  纲activity 5 self check 1 check the letters and words the students know. 2 write five words in your vocab-builder. 3 look at the faces. put their names in the correct alphabetical order. activity 6 just for fun. this activity provides guided reading practice with the target  language.达 标 测 试



