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Unit 3 Sea water and rain water

module 3 the natural elements
unit 3 sea water and rain water
topic: oxford english for grade seven--- “ sea water and rain water ”
period : the third period
name: chenran

i. teaching aims:
1. knowledge objectives:
vocabulary build-up: a dripping tap , a running tap , a shower , fix , mug   
sentence patterns: how can we save water ?
              we can save water by ____ing…
              we can save water by not ____ing …
introduction of different ways of saving water
2. ability objectives:
to develop the students’ communication skills by learning useful structures  and vocabulary.
to improve the students’ competence of working in pairs and groups.
3. emotion objectives:
to enable the students to understand that water is important for us.
to tell students how to save water in daily life.

ii. teaching methods:
task-based teaching method
situational language teaching
multi-media method
communicative language teaching

iii. studying methods
encourage the students to study language through “ observation¬¬---imitation---practice ”.

iv. teaching procedure:
pre-task preparation:
1. a competition to review the uses of water
divide ss into six groups . ss take turns to say how to use water by using the sentence pattern : we use water for ___ing. to see which group say the most.
ss think about the question : do you waste water when you use it?
while-task procedure:
1. introduce new words.
ss listen to three different sounds and guess where it is from.then introduce new words by pictures: a dripping tap , a running tap , a shower
2. show ss some pictures of people wasting water.
picture one : what is the boy doing ? ( he is brushing his teeth )
            he is brushing his teeth under a running tap.
what should we say to him? ( don’t brush your teeth under a running tap.)
picture two: what is the woman doing ? ( she is washing dishes and vegetables under a running tap.)
            what should we say to her ? ( don’t wash dishes or vegetables under a running tap. )
picture three: what is this ? ( a dripping tap )
            what should we do when we see a dripping tap ? ( we should fix it / we should turn the dripping tap off )
picture four : taking a shower and having a bath , which is a waste of water ?( having a bath )



