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Unit 5 Poems about life

unit 5 poems about life
一、 teacher introduction:wei yan(魏燕),teaching in class 1 & 2, grade 1,guangzhou nan wu
experimental school

二、 textbook edition:oxford english shanghai edition

三、 teaching topic:七年级第二学期a册,unit 5 poems about life --- listening

四、 teaching period:1 period(40 minutes)

五、 analysis of the textbook:
a) the topic of the unit is “poems about life”. the unit is different from teaching students
language knowledge or skills, but focuses on building up the abilities of appreciation and comprehension of poems, the ways of reading a poem, and the features of a poem. the lesson is based on reading lessons and focuses on the way of reading. also, it makes students feel the real emotion from their hearts and is the practice of writing. 
b) the students from class 1 and 2 lively and many of them have a passion for speaking and playing. some of them like writing very much. encouraging them to practice and create poems is a task. in addition, helping more students to read fluently and emotionally is necessary.
c) more students will be able to enjoy and learn some abilities of poems by studying the unit.

六、 teaching aim:
1. knowledge aim:
  learn to read a poem with rhythm and emotion. find the rhymes of the poem a on p69.
2. ability aim:
a) find out the mistakes and write the correct words while listening.
b) match the pictures and poems while listening.
3. strategies aim:
bring up the students to express their own feelings of lives through reading and writing poems.
4. feeling and attitudes aims:
a. let the students take part in the activities positively and cooperate in a group and learn from each other.
b. according to reading practise, improve the students’ communicating and writing ability.
5. culture aim:
understand western culture by studying english poems.
七、 teaching difficult points and important points:
1. teaching important points:
a) read the poems in the text and understand the features of them.
b) listen to the rhythm of the poems (listening a). understand the feelings from the poems (listening b).
c) try to use the poems to express the feelings.
2. teaching difficult points:
a) understand the feelings from the poems (listening b).
b) try to use the poems to express the feelings.

八、teaching method:
a) the communicative method.
b) task-based approach
c) group work

九、teaching aids:
computer, blackboard, note cards, handout.

十、teaching procedure:
teaching procedure teacher activities students activities teaching aim



