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Making friends教案

年级:七年级               制作人:                     审核人: 

课    题

chapter 1 making friends (1)

课    型

reading1 (extensive)


-9【学习目标】1. to know how to name some sports by pictures 通过图片了解一些体育项目名称2. to learn about the format of english letters by observing 通过观察了解英语书信格式3. to read simon’s letter using skimming and scanning skills, and know about simon’s life in the uk. 通过略读和跳读simon的信件,了解simon在英国的生活情况。【学习重点】1. to know the differences of formats between chinese letters and english letters. 了解中文和英文英语书信在格式上的区别。2. to adopt skimming and scanning reading skills in class 能在课堂上运用略读和跳读技巧。【学习难点】 using different reading skills properly.正确运用不同的阅读技巧。【学习过程】一、pre-reading 1. discussion: how can we make friends with others? 2. brainstorm: make a list of things(列一张清单) we could tell our new pen friend. 我们会告诉新朋友有关自己的哪些方面呢?
 3. self-check: tick the ball games you know. 你都知道哪些球类运动呢?请打勾:     basketball             football             rugby               soccer       badminton             volleyball           table tennis           hockey 4. look and think 1) do you know how to write a chinese letter? 你会用中文写信吗?英文信件呢?   what about an english letter? look at the ppt and try to do the match: 根据ppt完成以下连线练习:地址          署名      称呼       主体      结束语        日期 signature      address     body      date      greeting      ending
                        2) read the beginning and ending parts of the letter (page 3), find out the following information:



