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新目标七年级上Unit9 Period 5学教案

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新目标七年级上Unit9 Period 5学教案


新目标七年级上Unit9 Period 5学教案



课   题 unit 9 period 5 授课时间 12.18 学习目标 teaching aims: 复习词汇go,movie,action,comedy,documentary,thriller,and,but,scary,funny, sad,exciting;引导学生复习、巩固“制订计划和打算并谈论喜好和偏爱”的目标语言。 学习重难点 important and difficult points: 复习词汇go,movie,action,comedy,documentary,thriller,and,but,scary,funny, sad,exciting;复习、巩固“制订计划和打算,谈论喜好和偏爱”的目标语言。 学习过程设计(学案) 教学过程设计(教案) 【学习目标】:复习词汇go,movie,action,comedy,documentary,thriller,and,but,scary,funny, sad,exciting;引导学生复习、巩固“制订计划和打算并谈论喜好和偏爱”的目标语言。【学习重点】:复习词汇go,movie,action,comedy,documentary,thriller,and,but,scary,funny, sad,exciting;复习、巩固“制订计划和打算,谈论喜好和偏爱”的目标语言 【学习过程】:.将下列短语译成英语 1.在周末 ______________            2.中国历史 ________________ 3.这种影片 ________________        4.一部很成功的影片 ________________ 5.呆在家里 ________________         6.动作影片 ________________ 7.电影明星 ________________        8.激动人心的故事 ________________ 9.这种……________________        10.京剧 _________________   1.lead the ss to do the key word  check. 2.lead the ss to remember the words. 3.have a dictation. 4.show the picture, lead the ss to talk about tom and mike’s likes and dislikes. 5.look at the two boy’s rooms. what kind of movies do you think they like? write your ideas about them. 6.let ss to do ”just for fun!” game. lead the ss review and consolidate the drills ” do you want to go to a movie? yes, i do. / no, i don’t. what kind of movies do you want? i like…” 7.homework: 1.review the whole unit. 2.《导学导练》单元自测   教后反思 大部分同学对于本单元的目标语言背诵的还可以,尤其是导学导练上的句子,掌握的挺好的。以后还要继续加强背诵。



新目标七年级上Unit9 Period 5学教案
