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藤田初恋 点赞 分享



be/get ready to 是做好准备去做某事 后面加动词原形,如
i'm ready to have a report tomorrow.我把明天的演讲准备好了。
另外:be ready to do sth.有时也可以说成:get ready for 或get ready to do sth.
now get ready for sans. 现在准备了解存储区域网(san)。
let's get ready for the trip. 我们收拾准备上路吧。
10.dress up 梳妆,打扮
盛装打扮例:you do not need to dress up for dinner.你不必为了晚宴盛装打扮。
装扮例:mother loved to dress me up.妈妈喜欢装扮我
装饰; 修饰例:we shall dress the hall up for the national day.我们要把大厅布置一新过国庆节。
添油加醋(或添枝加叶)地讲述,修饰:to dress up the facts with colourful details以生动的细节添枝加叶地讲述事实
11.take one’s place 代替某人
he takes my place.
he takes the place of me
he is/works in place of me.
he takes this position in place of me.
take one's place和take the place of sb. 在意思上没有区别,都表示“取代,代替”,如需表达在哪方面取代,则需要在后面加in sth.;
而in place of虽然也是表达了“取代、代替”的意思,但需要在前面加一个动词,这个动词就可以表达出更具体的内容,如工作、职位、名次等等。
12.come out  开花 想出(办法)出版,(打印)出来等等
come over 过来;顺便来访 can you come over and join us?你能过来和我们作伴吗?
come along 来;随同 ;进展;过来will you come along with me?你愿意和我一起来吗?
come up 走上前来;发生,出现,被提出 did you come up with any ideas?有没有想到什麽新的意见?
come in 进来  may i come in?
come true 成真-- his dream came true
13.look like 看起来……
1.看起来与(某人或某物)相像〔相似〕look the same 
he looks like a scholar.他看上去像个学者。
these houses look exactly like each other, which makes the street look very dull.
这些房屋的外观极为相似, 使整条街道显得十分呆板。
it looks like rain; let's start for home. 
天像是要下雨了, 咱们回家吧!
the party looks like being a success after all.
14.try 尝试
1,做名词have a try 试一试 如:why not have a try ? 为什么不试一试?
2,做动词1) try to do sth 试着做某事
如:well , we'll try to finish the homework in time. 那好。我们争取及时完成作业。
 2) try doing 试着做某事,暗示未成功 i try getting on the bus
2) try one's best to do 尽某人最大的努力 如: i will try my best to help you. 我会尽力帮你的



