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Chapter 3 Dealing with trouble

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Chapter 3 Dealing with trouble


Chapter 3 Dealing with trouble

1.    deal with trouble         处理问题2.    shout at sb.              对某人大喊3.    hold out                伸出,拿出4.    stare at                 盯着看5.    steal sth. from sb..        偷某人东西6.    notice sb.doing sth.       注意到某人正在干谋事7.    a pair of handcuffs        一副手铐8.    do sth. against the law     做违法的事9.    take it without permission  未经许可拿走10.   switch it/them on/off      打开/关掉它/它们11.   guide words             提示词12.   make photocopies        复印13.   come up to……          朝…走来14.   stay in hospital           住院15.   look round               环顾四周16.   as soon as possible=as soon as sb. can  尽快17.   dial 110                 打11018.   phone the police          给警察打电话19.   wait for sb./sth.           等某人/某物20.   one man/woman tourist     一个男/女游客21.   two men/women tourists    两个男/女游客22.   what’s going on?          发生什么了23.   run away                 逃跑24.   hurry to …=go to… hurriedly/in a hurry  匆忙去…25.   hurry aboard=go aboard hurriedly/in a hurry  匆忙登机/船26.   be afraid of               害怕


Chapter 3 Dealing with trouble
