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Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?教案

unit 3 what were you doing when the ufo arrived?教案
period one (section a 1a-2c)
new words:ufo,barber,bathroom, alien,kitchen,bought, land, got, while
key phrases: get out, take off
key sentences: 
⑴.—what were you doing when the ufo arrived?—i was cooking dinner in the kitchen.
⑵—what was he doing when the ufo arrived?—he was sleeping late when it arrived.
⑶the girl was shopping when the alien got out.  ⑷while the girl was shopping, the alien got out.
学习重难点:◆重点 掌握过去进行时态的用法。◆难点 掌握when和while的用法。
 1. a: what are you doing now?  b: i am doing my homework now. they are having an english lesson.
  2. a: what were you doing at 9 o’clock last night?      b: i was doing homework.
   a: what were you doing when your mother came back yesterday?
  b:i ______________________________________(我正在讲电话).
        i      jim      they
 4: 00 pm last sunday cutting hair  walking down the street playing tennis at the playground
when the ufo landed  getting out of the library  making a milk shake  sleeping late
例如:a: what were you doing at 4:00 last sunday afternoon?    b: i was cutting my hair.
a: what _____ you _________ when the ufo landed? b: i ________ the library..
a: what _____ jim ______ 4:00 last sunday afternoon? b: he _______________ the street.
a: ______jim doing ___________?b: he ________________.
a: what _________ they doing _____________? b: they ____________ at the playground.
a: ______ they _______ when the ufo landed? b: they ______________________________.
通过以上的练习你能归纳出过去进行时 be 动词的规律吗?
i/he/she + _______ + doing        they/you + _______ + doing
 三.a.将下面的句子翻译成中文,并仔细观察进行比较。1. the boy was walking down the street when the uf o landed.     2. the girl was shopping when the alien got out.
3. while the boy was walking down the street, the ufo landed.  4. while the girl was shopping, the alien got out.    总结:when 与while: 都是 “ 当……的时候”, 但如3.4句,后接的动词用过去进行时,多选用____; 而后接的动词用一般过去时态时,用_____.



