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Unit 5 International charities教案

unit 5 international charities
1. international : adj. 国际的 an international meeting / international languages
2. pocket money 零花钱
3. be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事
  he is used to getting up early every day.
  used to do sth 过去常常做某事
  he used to go out for a walk after supper, but now he isn’t.
  be used to do sth. / be used for doing sth. 被用来做---
  knives are used to cut things.
4. further :adv. / adj. too weak to walk any further /  further study
  farther: adv. he jumped farther than jack
5. interviewer :采访者 interview v. / n.
6. blindness :n. 失明  / blind : adj  the blind
7. affect: v. ( influence, effect)
  affect 是及物动词,表示“影响,(病)侵袭”,暗示产生的影响如此强烈,以至能引起反应,也可表示思想感情受外界事物的影响而感动。
the disease affected his mind very much.
the film so affected her that she cried.
effect 表示“影响”时,是名词,不能误用为动词,常用在have an effect on sb.
influence 通常指对某人的间接影响,多指行为方面的影响
the medicine has little effect on the old man.
what we read influences our thinking.
8. medical adj. 医学的,医疗的 ----medicine n.
9. treatment n. ----treat v. 治疗,对待
10. volunteer n. 志愿者,义务工作者  ---- voluntary  adj. 志愿的,自愿的
11. operation: n. 手术 perform / do an operation on sb
   operate: v. operate on sb
12. patient: n. 病人  ---- adj. 耐心的
13. afford: v.
(常与can, could, be able to连用)买得起;有足够的...(去做...)[+to-v]
they did not consider whether they could afford the time or not.
we can't afford to pay such a price.
14. skill: n. 技能,技巧 (study skills; teach sb new skills)
15. train: v. 培训,训练 [(+as/in/for)]
the teachers trained us to be more careful.
she was trained for nursing.
mother trained us to be honest.
we train them to make use of dictionaries.

1. mostly 是副词,“多半地,大多数地”
he used his car mostly for going to the shops.
she is our mostly on sunday.
most 作形容词,“大多数的,大部分的”,用作定语,后跟复数名词,指一般的或泛指的人或物,这时most 前不可用定冠词the,
most people like to watch tv.
most 作名词,“大多数的,大部分”,表示特指的人或物,结构为:
most of + 代词宾格



