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23. 别紧张.  don’t be nervous.
24. 做得还行   do ok
25. 在…方面过得艰难 
have a hard time with sth.
26.  luck---lucky----luckily
27. 这学期   this semester
28. 某人做某事感到惊讶
sb. be surprised to do sth.
29.  bad---worse----worst
30. 真实的 be true
31. 一个令人失望的结果
a disappointing result
32. 对某人来说做某事是不对的.
it’s not right for sb to do sth
33. 抄别人的作业 copy others’ homework
做你自己的作业do your own homework
35. 和某人打一架have a fight with sb
36. 养成一个坏习惯  start a bad habit
37. 克服它 (某事)   get over it(sth)
38. 改变某人的生活  change one’s life
39. 对某人来说听起来像是有意思的事  sound like fun to sb.
北大毕业生the peking university graduate = a graduate from peking university
41. 当一名志愿者 as a volunteer
42. 在一个为期一年的项目中             on a one-year program
43. 在中国乡村地区 in china’s rural areas
44. 对某人来说是一种新的经历
be a new experience for sb.
45. 海拔XX米以上
2,000 meters above sea level
46. 使某人做某事   make sb. do sth.
同意某人的决定agree with sb’s decision
48. …和…  both … and …
49. 经历不同的事情
experience different things
50. 在…和…之间没有不同点
there is no difference between … and …
51. 无能为力can’t do anything about that
52. 开阔某人在…方面的眼界
open up one’s eyes to …
53. 外面的世界  the outside world
54. 给某人生活一个良好的开端         
give sb. a good start in life
55. 给某人的生活一个好的影响         
be a good influence in one’s life / lives
56. 某事结束  sth. be over
57. 回到…return to …= go back to…
58. 在做某事之后  after doing sth.
59. 从事…(的工作)   work as…
60. 做完某事  finish doing sth.
61.保护 “地球母亲” care for “mother earth”( = take care of = look after )
62. 处于危险中  in danger

unit 5 
1.过得开心  have a great time
2. 组织聚会活动 organize the party games
3.  让某人进入     let sb. in
4. 不让某人进入  keep sb. out
5. 半数的学生     half (of ) the class
6. 为聚会制定的规则the rules for the party
7.  把他们带走   take them away
8. 从其他学校带朋友来
bring friends from other schools
9. 叫他们离开 ask them to leave
10. 在聚会期间   during the party
11. 学校大扫除  school clean-up
12. 环游世界travel around the world
 =  travel all over the world



