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13. 上大学  go to college
14. 挣许多钱  make a lot of money
15.  因…而出名 be famous for…
16. 作为….而出名 be famous as…
17.  受教育   get an education
18. 成为一名职业运动员                   
become a professional athlete
19.  似乎像…    seem like…
20. 将能够     will be able to
21.  靠做某事)谋生 make a living by doing sth. = do sth. for a living
22. 做你爱做的事情 do sth. you love
捐钱给慈善机构give money to charities
24.  一直关注着你  watch you all the time
25.  到处追随着你follow you everywhere
26. 给生活带来麻烦 make life difficult
27. 靠体育运动来谋生ports for a living = make a living by playing sports
28. 一份危险的工作a dangerous job
29. 受伤 get injured
30. 做某事很困难a difficult time doing sth.
31. 事实上 in fact
32. 与….对抗, 反对  be / play against…
33. 加入俱乐部  join the club
34. 成为一名律师 become a lawyer
35. 移动电话 mobile phone
36. 进行足够的锻炼 get enough exercise
37. 吃太多的午餐  eat too much lunch
38. 看太多的电视  watch too much tv
39. 嘲笑某人  laugh at sb.
40. 将发生什么事?  what will happen?
41. 正在发生什么事? what is happening?
1. when is a good time to have the party?       什么时候是举行聚会的好时间?
2. please give me a chance to explain.          请给我一个解释的机会。
3. if you don’t have an id card, the teacher won’t let you in.   如果你没有身份证, 老师不会让你进入。
4. if you bring food to the party, the teachers will take it away.   如果你带食物来聚会, 老师把它带走。
5. if you bring friends from other schools, the teachers will ask them to leave. 如果你从其他学校带朋友来,老师会叫他们离开。
6. he is famous as an actor. 他作为一名演员而出名。
7. beijing is famous for the great wall. 北京因长城而出名
8. do you know if he will come?  你知道他是否会来吗?
9. if you become famous, people all over the world will know you.  如果你成名了,全世界的人民将认识你。
10. if i become a lawyer, i will be able to help people. 如果我成了一名律师, 我将能够帮助人们。
11. he makes a living by selling newspaper.   他靠卖报为生。= he sells newspaper for a living.
12. if it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we will go to the park. 如果明天不下雨,我们 将去公园。
review of units 1 – 5
怎么了?   what’s the problem?
踢足球   play football


