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8B Unit6教案

8b unit 6   a  charity walk
period   (1)  comic strip & welcome to the unit
1. to introduce different kinds of needs and disabilities
2. to encourage students to talk about how they can help those in need
step1 lead-in
t: in unit 5, we knew that hobo wanted to donate some money to support oxfam. i think he is very kind and helpful. now he is doing something else to support the charity again. what is he doing?
step 2 comic strips
1. ask students to listen to the tape and then answer:
what is hobo doing?
2. introduce something about a charity walk.
charity walk is a popular way to raise money for charities.
it’s a long walk and you have to finish the hike within certain hours.
3. ask students to read the dialogue and then answer the questions:
q1: how does eddie feel about supporting charities?
q2: what does hobo need during the walk?
q3: what does eddie think of hobo’s idea?
4. ask students to read after the tape and imitate the pronunciation and intonation.
5. check students’ understanding of the following:
 1) it's meaningful to support charities.
   ‘ it’s + adj. + to do sth.’.
 2) need some more food
 3) i don’t think you will ever finish your walk.
6. ask students to practice in pairs and then act out the dialogue.
step 3 people who need help
1.introduce different groups of people who need help in our daily life with the help of some pictures.
2. do some exercises to see if students understand the new words.
1) when we see _________people, we can help them cross the road.
2) if we see ________people, we can help them go upstairs.
3) we can give_______people some food and clothes. we can also teach them how to make themselves rich.
4) when we meet the ________ on the bus, we should give seats to them.
5) when we see some ________ people, we mustn’t laugh at them. we can talk with them with pens.
6) we can help ________ people go back to their hometowns.
3. ask students to discuss in groups of four to get more ideas to help the people who need help. after that, listen to their ideas first and then give them some suggestions.
step 4 oral practice
ask students to make their own dialogues about helping the people in need, using daniel and simon’s conversation as a model. students can add something more if they like.
a: how can we help_____________?
b: we can ________________.
a: what about _______________?
b: we can ____________________.
step 5 homework
1. remember all the new words and expressions.



