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If you go to the party you’ll have a great time教案

12. he is listening to the music _______ he is washing clothes.
  a. after     b. before       c. that    d. while
13. i’ll write to him _____.
  a. as soon as possible          b. as soon as he can
  c. as quick as possible          d. as quick as i can
14. i will _____ a message on his desk.
  a. put        b. give     c. leave     d. take
15. i was _____ tired, so i went to bed early.
  a. a little    b. a bit     c. much      d. too
ⅱ. 完形填空
  when a friend was visiting david, it began ____1___. so david told him____2____that night. “you may stay here_____3_____the night,” he said. “ok,” answered his friend.
  but_____4____minutes______5______, the friend went out. he didn't tell david where_____6______going nor(也没有)did he ask for an umbrella.
  when david was about_____7_____, his friend____8_____. he was all wet through.
  “where____9___you_____9_____?”asked david.
  “i have been______10_______,”answered the friend, “to tell my mother that i'll not go home tonight because of the rain.”
  1. a. raining    b. to rain    c. rain    d. rains
  2. a. to go not home     b. don't to go home
    c. not to go home     d. doesn't to go home
  3. a. for       b. to       c. of     d. up
  4. a. few       b. little     c. a little  d. a few
  5. a. late      b. after      c. lately   d. later
  6. a. is he      b. was he     c. he is    d. he was
  7. a. to go to sleep      b. to go to bed 
    c. going to bed       d. go to bed
  8. a. returned    b. returns     c. to return  d. returning
  9. a. have…gone        b. have…been to
    c. has…gone         d. have…been
  10. a. to home    b. home to     c. home     d. homed
  ⅲ. 阅读理解
it was jimmy's birthday, and he was five years old. he got a lot of nice birthday presents from his family, and one of them was a beautiful drum(鼓).
  "who gave him that thing?" jimmy's father said when he saw it. "his grandfather did," answered jimmy's mother.
  jimmy liked his drum very much. he made a terrible(可怕的) noise with it, but his father didn't mind(介意). he was working during the day and jimmy was already in bed when he got home in the evening, so he couldn't hear the noise.
  but one of the neighbors(邻居) didn't like the noise at all, so a few days later, she took a sharp(锋利的) knife and went to jimmy's house while he was hitting his drum. she said to him, "hello, jimmy, there is something very nice inside your drum. here is a knife. open the drum and let's find it."


