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Unit 9    Have you ever been to an amusement park

unit 9    have you ever been to an amusement park学习目标 1.     learn to talk about past experience and reasons. 2.       learn to ask the others’ past experience and reasons. 学习向导  

function talk about past experience target language have you ever been to an amusement park? no , i’ve never been to an amusement park . yes , i have . i went there last year


structures (1)have you ever been to …?     yes, i have. / yes, i have ever been to …     no, i haven’t. / no, i have never been to …     (2)when did you go there?     i went there last year.     (3)i have never been to a water park.     neither have i.     i have ever been to an amusement park.     so have i.     (4)how long have you been studying english?     i’ve been studying english since nine o’clock.     i’ve been studying english since i came back home.     i’ve been studying english for five hours.     (5)what’s that?     it’s an amusement park in japan.     i’ve never been to an amusement park like it before.     it’s fun to learn another language.     let’s go tonight.     isn’t this great?  

key vocabulary

key phrases     space museum, amusement park, water park, south america, peru, holland, european culture, tour guide, flight attendant, musical instrument, more than, be from, get to, take lessons, neither, discover, graduate, change

学 习 策 略

思 维 技 巧 listening to specific information cooperating

多元智能 1.disneyland 了解相关文化背景。 2.世界地理知识。

recycling 复习相关的词汇: zoo hotel restaurant bus boat  教学过程

teaching steps the first period: ( from section a 1a to grammar focus ) aim: to practice listening skills; to study new words and to know how to give advice. practice the sentences:have you ever been to …?                        yes, i have. / yes, i have ever been to …                   no, i haven’t. / no, i have never been to …



