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Whwt should I do

【课题】:unit 2  whwt should i do ?    self-check
【励志小木屋】:there is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that’s your own self. 宇宙中只有一介之地你肯定可以改进,那就是你自己。
知识目标: 1.识记单词 及短语。fail,  get on,  return
2.句型 i don’t know what to do.
情感态度与价值观 :能正确处理自己生活、学习、家庭中出现的问题, 乐于帮助别人。
【预习重难点】: 重点  目标2  
 难点  情态动词could, should的用法。
(一) 预习任务 1.完成 part 1 
 2.写出下列短语 与某人谈论某人______________ 生某人的气___________
   考试不及格________________ 与某人相处得好_______________ 与某人打架____________ 给我一些建议_________________与……同样__________
3. 完成回信。
(二) 预习诊断
1. 我妈妈和邻居相处的很好。
my mother _____ _____ _____ ____ the neighbourhood.
2. 请把这本书还给图书馆。 please _____ the book ____ the library.
3. 他们在寻求帮助。they ______ _____ ______ help now.
4. 他妈妈生他的气了。his mother ____ ____ ______ him.
(三) 预习反思 do you have any questions ?
step 1  预习交流------ 精讲点拨
       let’s forget it.   let’s + 动词原形,意为“让我们做……吧”
   let’s go and have a look.
step2  warming-up   step 3  lead-in  step 4  finish 2 并完成回信。
inexpensive, original, advice, problems, could, push, fight, haircut, include,  send
1. mothers ______ their kids to all kinds of classes when they are very young.
2.jane __________ take her little brother to the park.
3. another word for troubles is _________ .
4. jenny likes to be different , so her clothes are always _________ .
5. i don’t know what to do. please give me some ___________!
6. my friend is a strange man. i don’t like his clothes and _________ .
7. i don’t want to have a ______ with my cousin because he is my best friend.
8.activities _________ sports, language learning, music, and math classes.
9. my mother seems to _______ me a lot more than before. i am too tired.
10. if it is ________, i will buy it for you.
step6 系统总结
三、限时作业  满分 10 分    得分率 ________
1. i don’t like jim at all. he likes a_________ with others very much.
2. could you get a t______ to the concert for me ? i want to go to the concert.
3. what he did s__________ mea lot. he is so good a boy.
4. you don’t like playing volleyball, and i don’t e________ .


