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Unit 6 Enjoying Cycling Topic 3 教案

4.learn the correct ways to eat different food.
1. summarize the results of the food festival.
2. learn  the correct ways to eat different foods.
3. master comparative and superlative forms of adverbs.
learn the correct ways to eat different food.
t: s1/s2, would you like to tell the food festival to our class?/would you please…/can you try…? s1/s2…
t:ok,excellent. and who can try?/anyone else?
t: i’m curious/i wonder how people eat steak/fruit salad/fried chicken.
what do people use to have fish curry/fried noodles/spaghetti/pizza/fried rice…?
can you tell me? who can try?
s1: they use … to eat…
s2: …
t:what do people use to eat fish curry and bread?
t:you can use a spoon or a fork to eat the curry. people often use the bread to scoop the curry, but i don’t think people can eat that neatly.
(scoop做动作来表示。neat tidy, neatlytidily,对比理解。)
t:read after me,please.
step 1   review
1. ask and answer to review the names of foods.
teacher: what did you make for the food festival?
student: i cooked... / i made...
2. talk about different kinds of foods in a menu. teacher can show a menu with a lot of dishes.
teacher: do you like fish curry and bread?
student: yes, i do.
teacher: now, what do we use to eat them?
students: sorry, i don’t know.

step 2   presentation
1. teacher: we all want to know the results of the food festival. here is an e-mail from kangkang to daniel. let’s listen to 1a and then fill in the chart below . (show a form)
name quantity of sold-out food attitude
maria 35 beef curry dishes very carefully
2. play the tape again, and let the students follow it.
3. work in groups. finish 1b.
try to retell the e-mail to your partners. then retell it to the class.
the teach rewards the best reteller.

step 3   consolidation
1. play the tape and let students listen to 2a.
ask the question again: what do we use to have fish cu rry and bread?
after listening, some students will get the answer: use the bread to scoop the curry or use a spoon or a fork to eat the curry.
2.the teacher writes “how to eat” and “food” on the blackboard, the students match.

let students know different food has different way to eat.
first match the food with the correct way to eat. then make up a conversation about eating ways.



