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Are you going to play basketball

s3: …
3. (引导学生们讨论未来的职业和梦想并说出原因。)
t: do you have a dream? do you want to be a great man in the future? do you w ant to do some useful things for others when you grow up?
ss: of course, i do.
t: good, now let’s discuss your dream jobs. what are you going to do in the future, a teacher or a worker, s4?
s4: i am going to be a teacher.
t: why?
s4:  because i like the job. i want to have many students….
(让学生模仿师生的对话进行对话。因为许多有关职业的词汇尚未学,学生完成此环节可能稍有困难,如果表达时词汇量不够,可用汉语代替,此环节的目的是操练what are you going to do in the future when you grow up? i’m going to be…句型)
step 2  presentation 第二步   呈现(时间:10分钟)
1. (听录音1,完成1。)
t: listen to the tape and fill in the blanks in 1.
2. (听录音,跟读2a、2b。让学生再复习一遍本话题的重难点。)
step 3  consolidation 第三步  巩固(时间:10分钟)
1. (通过做练习,巩固前面学过的句型及回答方式。)
t: in this topic, we talk about sports a lot, including sports names, your favorite sports and players. i think now you can express them in english fluently. let’s do some exercises about the useful expressions.
(1)a:what’s your favorite sport?
a.it’s music b.playing basketball. c.the soccer star beckham.
(2)a:are you going to join our school skating club?
a.not very often. b.around an hour. c.of course, i am.
(3)a:which sport do you prefer, running or walking?
a.yes, i like it very much. b.no, seldom. c.running
(4)a:how often does he go skiing?
a.i guess he’s ok. b.once a week. c.about two hours.
(5)a:how long are you going to play tennis?
a.seldom. b.for half an hour. c.pretty well, i guess.
b:yes, he swims well.
a.does he swim much?  b.would you like to swim?  c.is he good at swimming?

2. (巩固练习grammar focus and useful expressions.)
1)i am going to join the school rowing club.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答。)
     you           join the school rowing club?
yes,          .
2)he goes cycling every day.(用tomorrow morning改写句子。)



