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Unit 3 Online travel(Grammar II)学案

(show the pictures in part b1 on pages 50-51 to the students.) help simon pass the test by rearranging the words to form correct sentences.
2. millie has bought a new educational cd-rom. daniel is asking her some questions about it. (show the profile of the game to the students.) according to the information about the cd-rom, complete the conversation between millie and daniel in part b2 on page 51.
step ⅴadditional language points
1. in our book, we only learn the use of the past and present form of the passive voice, but there are some other forms of the passive voice we should know.
一般现在时 am(is/are)given  
一般过去时 was(were)given  
一般将来时 shall(will)be given        
现在进行时 am(is/are)being given   
过去进行时 was(were)being given
现在完成时 has(have)been given  
2. 感官动词和使役动词在主动结构中,后面接不带‘to’的不定式,但如果改为被动句,则需要把省略的‘to’加上,这类动词有hear, watch, make, help, let, see, have等等。如:
        a. the boss made us work twelve hours a day. 改为
          we were made to work twelve hours a day.
        b. they often hear the girl sing in the room. 改为
          the girl is often heard to sing in the room.

doing additional exercises
complete the sentences in the passive voice. use the correct forms of the verbs in the box.
build,  eat,  paint,  steal,  catch,  grow,  sell,  write
1. this picture _____ by millie.
2. coke _____ all over the world.
3. rice _____ in china.
4. some money _____ from the bank yesterday.
5. the thieves _____ by the police.
6. this flat _____ in 1986.
7. this newsletter article _____ by daniel.
8. all the snacks _____ before the party ended.
step ⅵ. sum up  
(一)用括号内所给动词的正确形式填空。 (请注意时态和语态两个方面噢)
1.it's said(据说) that the long bridge______________(build)in two months.
2.which language _______the most widely_______(speak)in the world?
3.the lost boy_____________(not find)so far.
4.last year a large number of trees______________(cut)down.
5. the students _____ often _____(tell) to take care of their desks and chairs.
6. the old man is ill. he ______ (must send) to the hospital.
7. vegetables, eggs and fruits_________ (sell) in this shop.



