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Unit 2 What should I do导学案

2. what’s w________ with your watch? it doesn’t work.
3. i don’t think it’s right to a_______ with your parents.
4. jim wants to buy two t_________ to the concert.
5. last year i _______(pay) 200 yuan for that pair of shoes.
6. he needs _______(buy) gifts for his family.
7. it is boring ________(listen) to him for so long.
8. the bad news s_________ my parents, they didn’t know what to do.
9. he _______(会) swim when he was eight.
10. they are talking about the problem ____________(在电话上)
11. i often see him ________(read) books under the tree. i saw him _______(read) books just now.
12. _____you ______(come) to see me in a few days?
13. there are kids ________(fly) kites in the playground.
14. he ________(给我打电话) yesterday, but i wasn’t at home at that time.
period two
教学目标:掌握以下词组 need to do, pay for, get a part-time job, borrow…from…,lend…to…, ask sb. for sth., sell sth.to sb.,buy sth.for sb.,以及could,should 的用法。
a. 掌握以下重点词组:
找一份兼职工作______________    向某人要某物____________________
卖某物给某人_______________     从某人那借来某物_________________
把某物借出去给某人_______________ 为某人买某物__________________
加入一个俱乐部 ____________________ 与。。。一样__________________
告诉某人(不要)干某事_______________ 与。。。不同__________________
b. 重点知识解析:
1.pay for: (pay paid paid ) 付钱,支付;为…付出代价 she paid for her medicine and went out. 她付了买药的钱就出去了。
sb.pay money for sth.某人为某物付款多少钱 i paid three hundred yuan for my new bike. sb. spend money on/doing sth..某人花费多少钱在某物上 i spent 300 yuan on/buying my new bike.
 sth. cost sb. some money 某物花费某多少钱 my new bike cost me 300 yuan.
2.ask sb. for sth. 向某人要某物 if you have a problem, you may ask the policeman for help.如果你遇到麻烦,你可以向警察求助。
 ask sb. to do 要求某人做某事 my mom asks me to clean my room twice a week.
c. 掌握以下重点句子:
1. 我需要得到一些钱为暑期夏令营付款。
2. 我认为你应该向你父母要些钱。
3. 你可以向你弟弟借些纸。
4. 昨天他把字典借给了我。
5. 我需要一些钱为家人买礼物。
6. 我想你应该找份兼职工作。
7. 我朋友穿的衣服,留的发型和我一样。
8. 我的字典和kate的一样。
9. 我妈妈告诉我别在马路上踢足球。
10. mary应该告诉她的朋友穿不同的衣服。
d. 随堂练习
1. how much did he _________(付款) the book?
2. our teacher always asks us ________(do) our homework by ourselves.


