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Unit 2 What should I do导学案

15. when she was 20,her dream to be a singer          (实现)

unit two 测试题
1.stop _____(争论) with your sister about the problem.
2.  to our _____(惊讶), the little girl can play the piano so well.
3. this skirt is out of s____. she doesn’t want to take it.
4. everyone is here e_____ li gang. where is he now?
5. the boy is old enough to d______ himself.
6. the m______ goes round the earth.
7. i hope _________(一切事情) goes well.
8. i hope my dream will come t______ one day.
9. in autumn, the leaves f  to the ground.
10. he lives a  ___ in the large house, but he doesn’t feel lonely.
11. if you become a professional player, you’ll be   (能) to make a living by doing things you love.
12. he f  __ in love with the city of beijing as soon as he saw it.
13. he   _(付款) twenty yuan for this book.
14. will people  l  ___ to be 100 years old?
15. when you become famous, your fans will follow your e   .
16. it is very difficult to p   the future.
17. it       (似乎;好象) that he is very angry with you.
18. he will f   from new york to london tomorrow
19. my job doesn't _________(包括)making coffee for the boss.
20. i’m sorry to tell you that you f_________ the test.
1.when i grow up, i_______(be) a famous pilot.
2. --- ________ (be) you at school yesterday evening?
--- yes. we had an exciting party.
3. --- do you think it ________(be) rainy tomorrow?
--- no, it ______.
4. --- what ______ you ______(do) this sunday? there ______(be) a football match.
 ______ you ______(go) with us?
5. he _______ (want) to see them three days later.
6.  hurry up, the train      in a few minutes. (leave)
7.  my mother     me a new bicycle two years ago. (buy)
( )1. —i predict that there will be fewer trees in our hometown.
  a. i hope not!             b. that will be bad for the earth.
   c. that’s a bad idea.       d. all of the above are ok.
( )2. your sweater is out _____ style. maybe you should buy a new one.
a. off    b. for     c. to      d. of
( )3. —will people live to be 300 years old?—_________.



