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九年级上册《Would you like to be a greener person?》教案

九年级上册《would you like to be a greener person?》教案

section a

quangang minzu junior high school   ye qionghong


ⅰ. teaching aims and demands:

1. learn the compound sentences with “or”,“and”,“but”and “while”:

  (1) noise is a kind of pollution and it’s harmful to our hearing.

  (2) the earth is beautiful but people are hurting the earth now.

  (3) work hard, or you will fail the exam.

  (4) she was busy cooking while they were watching tv.

2. learn to talk about environmental protection.

ⅱ. teaching procedure:

step 1  review

1.  review and let students talk about the harm of pollution they have learned..

2.  show some pictures or real objects by asking and answering questi between the teacher and students, discuss how to protect the environment .lead to new material.

step 2  presentation

1. let students listen to 2and finish it ,check the answers.

2. listen to 1a ,find the answer to these questi.

(1)what are the three rs?

(2)what kind of things can we do at home to protect the environment ?

(3) what kinds of things can students do at school to protect the environment?

3.lead students to find out the important and difficult sentences in 1a.then the teacher helps students understand them. for example:

  (1)we should reduce the waste we produce.

  (2)…we should use both sides of the paper and reuse plastic bags.

  (3)so we encourage students to collect waste paper and soft drink cans.

  (4)then we sort them so that they can be recycled.(passive voice is not required to be mastered here.)

  (5)everyone is supposed to do so.

step 3  c*olidation

1.read 1a after the tape and let students pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.   

2.students read 1a in roles and fill in the blanks .

3. students read 1a by themselves for several minutes, try to act it out.

step 4  practice

1. according to 1 a ,finish 1 b.check the answers.

2.make true or false. look at the sentences and think if they are good or bad for our environment. lead to the new words :“nod”,“agreement”,and “shake”,show the examples of compound sentences.

3.let students observe the example and join the sentences in 3. check the answers . then sum up the usage of “or”,“and”,“but”and “while”.

 step 5  project

1.play a video. encourage students to reduce the garbage in daily life. enhance students’ awareness of environmental protection..



