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中考总复习-语法-连词           第一课时
一 中考要求
1.掌握并列连词的基本用法。如:and, but , or , so 等。
2.掌握常用从属连词的基本用法。如: when, after, before, as soon as, because , if 等。
二 知识点学习
1) 表示并列关系的连词有:and,both…and…, neither…nor…, not only…but also…, as well as 等。
we were singing and dancing all evening.  整个晚上我们都在唱歌跳舞。
would you like fish or beef?  你要鱼还是牛肉?
she is not only a singer but also a dancer.
 2) 表示转折关系的并列连词有:but, yet, while, however,nevertheless, still 等等。
all this he did, but it had no effect at all.  这一切他都做了,但一点都不起作用。
they are ugly and expensive, yet people buy them.  他们又丑又贵,但人们还是要买。
his first response was to say no. later, however, he changed his mind.
 3)表示因果关系得并列连词:so, for, then, therefore等。
our cases were heavy, so we took a taxi. 我们的箱子很重,因此我们坐了出租车。
he had gone; she therefore gave the money to me. 他走了,于是她把钱给了我。
 4)表示选择关系得并列连词有: or, or else, either…or…, otherwise等。
work hard, or you will fail in the exam.
either he or you have taken my umbrella by mistake.
2) 从属连词(1)
  引导宾语从句的从属连词有:that, whether, if, wh-疑问词
1). that用于引导陈述句的宾语从句,可以省去,如:
•      she says that she likes watching tv very much.
2). when, where, who, why, what等连接副词连接由特殊疑问句转化过来的宾语从句。如:
•      do you know when the train arrives?
•      can you tell me where you come from?
3). if, whether连接有一般疑问句转化过来的宾语从句。
•    they are wondering if they can get the money back.
•    she asked the librarian whether she had to pay for the lost book.

(1) we will go to the great wall if it doesn’t rain tomorrow.      
i don’t know if he will come tomorrow.
(2)后跟or not时,不能使用if引导
 i’m not sure whether or not the shop is open.
do you know whether to go to the great wall tomorrow?
三  练习
(    )1.—be careful, ________you will make mistakes in your exams.
—i know that,mum.one can never be too careful.
a.and        b.or       c.nor       d.but  



