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Rules and suggestions教案

rules and suggestions教案
module 5 rules and suggestions
unit 1 you must keep to the path.
mr. jackson: ok, listen up! before we can enjoy ourselves on the great wall, there are a few rules and suggestions. ok?
listen up
enjoy ourselves
all: yes, mr. jackson.
mr. jackson: first, you must keep to the path. you mustn’t walk along the edge because you might fall and hurt yourself. is that clear?
keep to
all: yes.
mr. jackson: and you have to keep together. you mustn’t go off on your own, because you might get lost.
go off
on your own,= by yourself
get lost= lose one’s way / be lost
all: no, mr. jackson.
daming: can we have something to eat now? i’m starving!
i’m starving!
mr. jackson: no, you can’t, daming! you only had breakfast an hour ago. i think we should start walking, and then stop at noon for our picnic. but you shouldn’t drink all the water, because you may need some later.
start to do/ doing= begin to do/ doing
betty: can we go rock climbing?
mr. jackson: yes, you can, but you must use ropes. you have to think about personal safety! and you must have the right shoes. ok, i think that’s all. let’s go down this path, and then we can cross the stream and climb up to the top of that mountain. then we can take a look across the countryside …
cross/ across
climb up to the top of that mountain
daming: … and have lunch?
mr. jackson: …and then walk along that part of the wall, up there. come on! i’ll lead the way.
daming: i feel tired already. i may need a rest very soon.

unit 2 watch out! bears about!
watch out =look out
watch out for = look out for
on our first evening, the three of us were tired after walking for about eight hours. we soon fell asleep.
the three of us 我们三个人(一共是三个人)
three of us 我们中的三个人(不止三个人)
after walking for about eight hours= after we walked for about eight hours
fall asleep/ go to bed/ get to sleep/ be asleep
sleep/ asleep/ sleepy
in the middle of the night, there was a strange noise outside. but when i looked out of the tent, there was nothing to see.
in the morning, i got up to make breakfast. the bag of food was open.
 “bears,” said joe. “we should hang the food in a tree tonight.”
later that day we stopped in a beautiful valley by a stream. it was very peaceful, and we fell asleep listening to the sound of water.
during the night the bears came back. this time they took the food from the tree.
“how did they do that?” i asked.
“not high enough. bears can climb trees. they can smell food from a distance. we should pick up the rubbish, too.”



