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2019年九年级英语上 unit 8 grammar focus(人教新目标)

unit 8 grammar focus  class typegrammarobjectives1.     to understand the modal verbs “must, might, could, can’t” for making inferences. 2.     to practice using the modal verbs to make sentences.

key structure1. whose volleyball is this?— it must be carla’s. she loves volleyball.2. whose hair band is this?— it could be mei’s. or it might belong to linda. they both have long hair.3.     what did you see that night?—   i’m not sure, but it can’t be a dog. difficultieshow to practice well using these modal verbs “must, might, could, can’t” for making inferences.


procedurelead-inrevision.translate the english phrases into chinese.step 1read the sentences with the modal verbs underlined.step 2the information about the modal verbs referring to the inference.step 3the differences and uses of “can, could”.step 4the differences and uses of “might, may”.step 5the differences and uses of “must, have to”.step 6the different situations about inferring sentences with modal verbs.step 7exercises.complete the sentences with the right words.step 8activity 4a.choose the best way to complete each sentence using the words in brackets.step 9activity 4b. ask ss to complete these responses.step 10free talk.look at two rooms below. ask ss to make guesses about the owner of each room.step 11more exercises about choosing the best answers.



