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2016年九年级英语上unit 9 grammar focus(人教新目标)

unit 9 grammar focus  class typegrammarobjectives1.     to understand the “relative clauses with that, who and which”. 2.     to learn to express and use these sentences.

key structure1. what kind of music / … do you like?— i love music / … that / which i can sing along with / ....2. what kind of movies / … do you like?— i prefer movies / …  that / which give me something to think about/ … .3.     what kind of musicians/ … does carmen like?—   she likes musicians / … who play different kinds of music /... .difficultieshow to describe and express the sentences well in practice.


procedurelead-infree talk.1. what kind of music do you like?2. what kind of movies do you like?step 1enjoy a song: that’s why you go away.step 2the knowledge of the attributive clauses.1. that-attributive clauses 2. who-attributive clauses 3. which-attributive clauses step 3attention.1. 在由that, who和which引导的定语从句中, 当它们在从句中作主语时, 都不可以省略;作宾语时, 都可以省略。2. 介词后面只能用which或whom, 不能用that或who。step 4guessing game.show ss some pictures and then ask ss to guess.step 5free talk.describe one person in the classroom and let others guess who he / she is.step 6pair works.make conversations about things you like and dislike.e.g.:a: what kind of animal do you like?b: i like …step 7exercises.complete the sentences with the right words.step 8attentions.the special situation of “that”.step 9more exercises about choosing the best answers.



