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Unit 10 Integrating Skills

integrating skills
teaching aims :
1. get the general idea of the story to be continued
2. useful phrases and expressions
step 1. revision
have a brief revision of all tenses .
step 2. reading
tell the students to answer the following questions.
post-reading :
1. how did della expect jim to react when he saw her?
2. please describe jim’s feelings the moment he saw della .
3. why did della burst into tears when she opened the package?
jim also loves della very much and wants to surprise her with a beautiful gift.he knows that she would be happy if he would buy the beautiful tortoise shell combs which she longs for . but jim doesn’t have any money ,either .so ,in order to buy della the present,he decides to sell his most precious possession,his gold watch .both jim and della love each other so much that they sacrifice the possession they love most to buy a present for each other . the story ends,of course,with a great disappointment for both of them. della has bought a watch chain for jim’s watch ,but jim has sold his watch to buy her a present .and jim has bought della the combs she wanted to put in her long hair ,but she no longer has that hair.
tell the students to read aloud the summary and ask them to recite.
language points:
1. burden

burden sb with sth.使……负起重担
people in that country are burdened with heavy taxation.
i don’t want to be a burden to you .
3. be fixed on sb/sth=fix one’s eyes on /upon sb
thousands of eyes were fixed on him.
4. read =understand
read an expression/a thought/instructions/a riddle
if you can read this riddle ,i will give you a present.
5. not…nor ….
i will not do it , consider it .
the job cannot be done by you ,nor by me,nor by anyone else.
6. be prepared for
7. live through活下

the doctor said he had little chance to live through the night
经历 she was among the few who managed to live through the enemy prison camp.
8. break out in tears and cries泪流满面地哭泣
9. with jewels on the edges镶着珠宝
10. hug sb to one’s breast 紧紧地抱在怀里 11. at length
12. the dull precious metal seemed to flash, as if reflecting her bright spirit.
step3. homework

ask the students to recite all the phrases.



