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2016届高考英语Unit24 Society单元精练复习教案

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2016届高考英语Unit24 Society单元精练复习教案


2016届高考英语Unit 24 Society单元精练复习教案

XX届高考英语unit 24 society单元精练复习教案

重点单词 1.________ n. 所有权→________ v. 拥有
2.________ n. 相撞→________ v. 碰撞;冲突
3.________ n. 调整;调节→________ v. 调整;调节
4.________ adj. 宽大的;仁慈的→________ n. 怜悯
5.________ n. 版本 ________ n.编辑→________ vt. 编辑
6.________ v.& n. 罚款 adj. 美好的
7.________ n. 祈祷;祷告→________vt. 祈祷
8.________ adj. 各种各样的→________ n. 多样化
9.________ adj. 信教的→________ n. 精神
10.________ v. 统治;控制;支配→________ n. 统治者;管辖者→ ________ n. 政府;内阁;政体

重点短语 1.________ ________ ________ 严肃认真对待     2.________ ________ ________ ________ 针对某人
3.________ ________ ________ 惹恼某人 
4.________ ________ ________ 留下印象
5.________ ________ ________ ________ 关注;留意  6.________ ________ 转折点
7.________ ________ ________追溯到 
8.________ ________ ________ 废除
9.________ ________ 原则上 
10.________ ________ ________ ________ 判某人死刑
重点句式 1.as a society, it's_high_time_that we took these issues more seriously.2.trade unions demand_that the government shorten the working week.
3.the_more money we earn, the_less often we see it.
核心语法 复习虚拟语气的用法

1.ownership; own 2.collision; collide 3.adjustment; adjust 4.merciful; mercy 5.edition; editor; edit 6.fine 7.prayer; pray 8.diverse; diversity 9.spiritual; spirit 10.govern; governor; government
1.take sth seriously 2.be aimed at sb 3.wind sb up 4.leave an impression 5.keep an eye on 6.turning point 7.date back to 8.do away with 9.on principle 10.sentence sb to death
1.accumulate vt.  积累;积聚vi. (数量)逐渐增加;(质量)逐渐提高
accumulation n. 积累
1)i ________ ________ a lot of books. 我已经收集了很多书。
2)by investing wisely she ________ a fortune. 她由于投资有方而积蓄了一笔财产。
3)debts began to ________. 债务开始增加。
4)however, as the evidence began to ________, experts from the zoo felt obliged to investigate. 然而,当证据日趋增多时,该动物园的专家们感到有必要进行调查。
【答案】 1)have accumulated 2)accumulated 3)accumulate 4)accumulate
a thick layer of dust ________ ________in that room. 那个房间里已经堆积了一层厚厚的灰尘。
【答案】 has accumulated
(福州八中质检)as people ________ more wealth, they tend to spend a greater part of their incomes.
a.abandon        b.accumulate
c.contribute                             d.concentrate



2016届高考英语Unit24 Society单元精练复习教案
