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Unit 8   I’ll help clean up the city parks.教案

unit 8   i’ll help clean up the city parks.i. teaching objectives 教学目标skillfocus▲    listen and talk about offering help▲ talk about ways to tell people about the clean-up day ▲ listen, describe and talk about the work the volunteers do ▲ learn to write a letter▲ learn to deal with new problems or situations using what you have learnedlanguagefocus 功能句式talk about offering help (p60)i’ll help clean up the city parks.a: i’d like to work ...b: you could help ...talk about ways to tell people about the clean-up day (p61)we need to ...we can’t ...i’ll ...talk about the work the volunteers do (p62)these three students all volunteer their time to help other people.somebody loves to ... / helps ... / plans to ... / wants to ...a: what do you like doing?b: i like ... a: what kind of volunteer work do you think i could do?b: you could ...词汇1. 重点词汇advertisement, fix, repair, pleasure, blind, deaf, shut, carry, specially, fetch2. 认读词汇hunger, homeless, cheer, clean-up, sign, establish, major, commitment, elementary, veterinarian, coach, similar, call-in, strategy, disabled, organization, unable, support, appreciate, donation, part of speech, pronoun, adverb, preposition, conjunction, donate, jimmy, sally3. 词组clean up, cheer up, give out, put off, set up, think up, take after, fix up, give away, put up, hand out, work out, at once语法how to use phrasal verbsstrategyfocus1. matching2. personalizing3. using parts of speechculture focusbeing a volunteer is useful and important. ii. teaching materials analyzing and rearranging 教材分析和重组1. 教材分析本单元以volunteering 为话题设计了四个部分的内容。section a 该部分有四个模块:第一个模块围绕 ways in which you could help people这个话题展开叙述(1a),听力(1b),口语(1c)训练;第二个模块围绕 talk about ways to tell people about the clean-up day 进行听力(2a, 2b),口语(2c)训练;第三个模块是关于volunteers的一个阅读材料,训练形式为阅读(3a),填表格(3b),角色表演(3c);第四个模块仍以the kinds of work the volunteers do为话题,以表格及对话形式进行小组活动(4)。section b 该部分有四个模块:第一模块是词汇的学习(1a)与运用(1b);第二个模块以听力训练形式强化第一模块中所学词汇(2a, 2b)和口语训练(2c);第三个模块围绕中心展开阅读(3a) a volunteer’s work 并再次强化了第一模块中的词汇学习(3b);第四模块仍就the work the volunteers do 这一话题以小组活动形式进行口语训练(4)。self check   该部分有两个模块:第一模块对所学词汇进行填空训练(1);第二个模块以某一志愿者的活动为内容进行写作和口语练习(2)。reading



