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Unit 4 Food学案提纲

(1). yesterday on my way home, i found a wallet l_________ on the ground.
(2). as we all know guilin l______ on the two sides of li river.
(3). when i saw him , he ______________(lie) in bed , ___________(read).
9. luck---lucky (unlucky )---luckily (unluckily)      
good luck to sb (with sth)   /  be lucky to do sth    /  a lucky man
(1).____________, she passed the exam at last.
(2).you’re lucky enough _________(get) so many people’s help.
(3). good luck ____ you ________ your chinese, tom.
10.  start / begin with / end with
(1).our maths teacher usually __________(开始) his class with an interesting story.
(2). this is a word b_____________  ________ ‘l’. and it has the same meaning as ‘big’.
11.  how often  / how long  /how soon  / how much  / how many
how heavy  / tall  /  wide...
(1). —__________ is lucky 52 shown on cctv-2?   —every week.
(2). --________ will he come back ?    ---in two months.
(3). ---_______ will he stay in shanghai ?  --- for about six days.
(4).--_________ is the bike ?    ---just 150yuan.
(5). ---________ is this man?  --- he is about two metres tall.
(6). 这本书多少钱?(三种)___________________________________________
12.  at the end of the road / at the beginning of the meeting
     in the end = at last = finally 最后, 终于
     (1).go ahead. you’ll find the place ______________ the road.



