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The green consumer教案

chapter 1 the green consumer
chapter 1 the green consumer reading 2
1. be in danger
2. first of all
3. let…in
4. the surface of the moon
5. protective layer
6. rain forests
7. take in
8. throw away
9. do with
10. green consumers
11. plastic items
12. burn up
13. the threats to
14. destruction of
15. our habits of doing sth.
16. damage to
1. the atmosphere is essential to all living things.
2. many of our habits cause pollution, especially our habit of doing things once and then throwing them away.
3. our atmosphere is changing because we are polluting it with chemicals.
4. without its atmosphere, the earth would be as lifeless as the moon.
5. mr black is the same age as mr brown.
6. carbon dioxide is different from oxygen.
1. to imagine the earth inside a kind of greenhouse…keeping much of the warmth from getting out.
    a. imagine +n./doing
    she imagined her life without worrying about clothes and food.
    b. imagine sb. doing
    she imagined her friends giving her some presents for her birthday.
    c. imagine that/if/who
    can you imagine who is knocking at the door?
    keep sth. from doing sth.
we must do something to keep him from going to sleep.
2. it is vital that we do something to save the earth.
  it/that we do something to save the earth
  it is true that fire can be controlled.
it is harmful that people are using plastic items such as fast food boxes.
3. the burning and cutting down of trees is making the greenhouse effect worse because trees take in co2.
    and 连接两个名词,如后一名词没有定冠词时,谓语动词用单数形式。
    the dancer and singer is liked by many young people.
    the headmaster and party secretary is very strict.
4. the habit of doing sth.  做……的习惯
  the habit of getting up early 早起的习惯
  the habit of going to bed late  晚睡的习惯
  the habit of running in the morning晨跑的习惯
5. the greenhouse effect may cause the … rise and drown … even whole countries.
    rise 起床、起立
    he rises at dawn every day.
    rise 升起、上升
  the sun rises in the east.
  they are raising a flag.
6. the writer tells us that…occurs 20-50 km above the ground.



