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教学目标 与要点

4.能够理解和运用部分动词所带否定的宾语从句的否定前置。如:I don't think they can came on time.
5. 除会叙述旅行之外,我们还要给出We should write a short passage about travelling. What do you think of travelling? Is it good or bad? 等题目进行写的练习。


1. 学习新的语法知识:The Object Clause。
2. 熟练掌握有关打电话和旅行的词汇、短语及日常用语。
3. 鼓励学生在学习过程中锻炼听说读写的能力,并不断提高相关知识的语言应用能力。
4. 向学生通过对旅行知识的学习,了解祖国的大好河山,教育他们热爱祖国、建设祖国、保卫祖国的理念。



本单元围绕这一中心话题,结合Lesson 14“Jim’s train ride”和与travel相关的对话Lesson 15开展教学活动。Lesson 13是由格林先生打电话给校长引出了本单元的语法功能项目——宾语从句。由that引导的宾语从句是本单元教学的重点知识之一。本单元学习了用英语写电话留言(telephone message),重现和新学了一些打电话的专用术语。本单元所阐述的有关travel的内容,和我们生活密切相关,如Lesson16,应灵活掌握,就其中的某些问题能有自己的独特见解。对于有关travel的交际用语,学生应学会熟练地使用。


1. 本单元句型及交际用语

(1) — Could I speak to sb, please?

— I’m sorry he isn't here right now.

(2) — May I help you?

— That's very kind of you.

(3) That would be fine.

(4) I’ll leave a message on his desk.

(5) Many thanks.

(6)— What does sb say?

— He/ She says that….

(7) What a pity! I’m sorry I missed it.

(8) How exciting!

(9) You must be very tired.

(10) The score was 2-1.

(11) Hurry up! Or we’ll be late.

(12)It takes about ten minutes.

(13)— What do you think is the fastest way to travel?

— I think the fastest way to travel is by plane.

(14) It takes sb some time to do sth.

(15) I’m free every day except today.

2.  关于打电话的一些专用语:


Hello, could I/may I speak to Carter Bronte?


Hello, is Mr. Parley in?


Hello, this is John here (speaking). Who’s that (speaking)?



Hold on for a moment, please. 请稍等。   

He is on another phone. 他正在接听另一通电话。

May I ask who is calling? 请问是谁?

Is that John (speaking) ? 你是约翰吗?

Sorry, but he is not here at this moment. 对不起,他不在。

The line is bad, please speak a little louder.


Someone wants you on the phone. 您的电话。


Could I take a message for you? 我替您留个口信好吗?

Do you want to leave a message? 您想留个口信吧?

He is not in right now. Would you call back? 他不在,你(一会儿)再打过来好吗?

I’ll hang up now, bye! 我挂了,再见!


1. I hope to see him as soon as possible.

as…as possible是一个固定词组,与as … as I can/ could同义。soon为副词,可将soon换为别的副词或形容词,作“尽可能……地(的)”解。如:

as soon as possible 尽可能早

as quick as possible 尽可能快 

as often as possible 尽量经常 

as friendly as possible尽量友好


(1)You’d better leave here as soon as possible.


(2)Try to be as friendly to your classmates as possible.


(3)Your should go home to see your sick mother as often as possible.


(4)Get up as early as possible tomorrow ==Get up as early as you can.


(5)Will you please say it as clearly as possible? =Will you please say it as clearly as you can?


(6)Do it as quickly as possible =Do it as quickly as you can.尽快去做吧。

需要注意的是as soon as possible指时间的迟早;而as quickly as possible则表示动作的快慢。

2. I’ll leave a message on his desk. 我将在他的桌子上留言。

(1)leave a message. “留言;留话”,类似的还有:

give sb a message 给某人带个口信;

take message带个口信,带个话;

send a message to sb 发信息给某人

(2)leave 的用法归纳

1)离开;出发。词组有:leave…for… 离开…去…;leave for 动身去…,如:

When will you leave Beijing? 你们什么时候离开北京?

We are leaving Beijing for Shanghai. 我们将离开北京去上海。(leave此句中是及物动词)

When are you leaving for London?什么时候你将动身去伦敦?(leave此句中是不及物动词)


I left my bay in your home. 我把我的书包忘在你们家了。

3)过去分词left 用在名词后作宾语,意为“剩下”,如:

Don’t worry, there is some time left. 不要着急,还剩一点时间。


Will you leave the door open? 请把门敞开好吗?

3.I’m free every day except today. 除了今天我每天都空。

在英语中,besides,but和 except作为介词,都有“除……之外”的意思。besides是“除……之外,还有……”是肯定的;而except和but是“除……之外,没有……”是否定的。在否定句中,besides可以和 except,but同义。与but相比,except所含“除外”的意味更明确,语气也更强烈。例如:

(1)All came back besides Kate.除了凯特已回来,其他所有人也回来了。

(2)All came back except/ but Kate.除了凯特,全都回来了。(意思是凯特还没有回来)

(3)I don't want anything but / except this.除了这个,我什么都不要

(4)We go to school everyday except Sunday.除了星期天,我们每天都上学。

4. What does the teacher say?

She says that she will leave a message on the headmaster’s desk.


I hear she will be back in an hour.

He said she lived with her mother.

He told me that the sun is the biggest of the three.




6. It is much cheaper and far more enjoyable than a rushed trip by air.

句中的much和far是用在比较级前表示程度的。类似的还有:a little,still,a lot,even等。例如:

(l)This text is a little more difficult than that one.这篇课文比那篇稍难一点。

(2)I’m feeling even worse today.我今天觉得更不舒服。

(3)I’ve made a lot more mistakes than you have.我犯的错比你犯的多多了。

7. It takes about ten minutes.


“花费某人多长时间做某事”通常使用 It takes/took sb.some time to do sth.句型。


(1) It took me three hours to finish my work.


(2)It usually takes me half an hour to do morning exercises.


8. They kept watching the beautiful scenery out of the window.

The conductor kept coming go offer them hot water and selling them magazines.

此两句中共同用到keep doing,keep作为动词有许多用法:


Will you keep this seat for me?


Does your watch keep good time?


Who holds the position to keep goal? Who’s the goal keeper?



We should keep the motherland in mind and the whole world in view.


We’ll keep you informed.


Sorry to have kept you waiting.



The Chinese people always keep their word.


She keeps regular hours.



How do you keep Spring Festival by yourself?


To keep the Sabbath is a kind of habit of Europeans.



The old man kept his bed for 15 years.


The girl keeps the house.




keep away 站开,使离开

keep back 后退

keep from 阻止

keep down 镇压,控制

keep off 让开,不接近

keep out  靠外,免入

keep under 压制,控制

keep up with 跟上,赶上.




Did you have a good journey?


They went on a long train journey.


It's more than 27 hours 'journey by air from Beijing to London.



This is my trip to the seaside.


Their honeymoon trip to Venice is exciting.



另外,它们的另一个同意词是travel,当travel作名词时,它的“旅行”含义是“出国旅行”。它不能与不定冠词连用,例如: a travel。如果要表示“一次”,我们可以说:“a trip”,“a journey”。

is much cheaper than it used to be.



    I am writing an account of my travels about America.





  She says (that) she will leave a message on the headmaster’s desk. 她说她将在校长的桌子放个留言条。

I hope (that) you’ll have a good holiday. 希望你(们)假日愉快。

2. 后面常接that引导的宾语从句的动词有:think, hope, say, tell, know, see, hear, mean, agree, fell等。如:

I see (that) you come here on foot today. 我看你今天是步行来的。

I hear (that) one of the pandas has a baby.我听说有只熊猫生了个小熊猫。


  Please tell Mr. Hu that I’m working hard on my Chinese. 请告诉胡老师我在努力学习汉语。

  You can see from my photo that I have a big smile and long black hair. 你可以从我的照片中看到我的笑容和黑长发。


  I don’t think any of the programmes is interesting. 我认为这些节目没有一个有趣。

I don’t think chickens can swim. 我认为鸡不会游泳。

3.后面常接宾语从句的形容词有:sure, glad, pleased, happy, afraid等。如:

  I’m sure he would love to come to your birthday party. 我相信他会很乐意参加你的生日聚会。

  We are both very happy that we are twins.  我们俩都为我们是双胞胎而感到高兴。



  I think I’ve lost my key.我想我已把钥匙丢了。

  I see you are on foot today.我看见你今天是步行来的。

  He says Jim will come back soon.他说吉姆很快会回来的。

  I’m glad she didn’t hurt herself.我很高兴她没有伤着自己。



    He said that he had a very good journey home.


    He said he was working hard on his Chinese.



    He said he would have to give presents to all the family, but he hadn't chosen any yet.




    The teacher told us that the sun is the nearest star to us of all.


  (4)Could you tell me… ?是表示“请求”的委婉句型,并不表示过去时,所以其后的宾语从句的时态可根据需要用任何时态。

    Could you tell me what time the plane leaves?


关于Making telephone calls的教学建议



★ 如想找某人听电话时,可说:

May/Could/Can I speak to…, please?

★ 如你就是某人时,可答道:

This is …(speaking). /This is …here/…here / speaking 不能说I’m…

★ 当对方想问你是否某人时,说:

Is that,…(speaking)? 而不说Are you…?

肯定回答是:Yes,it is. 不说Yes,I am.

否定回答是No,this is … 而不是No,I'm…

★ 如要让对方等一等,可说:

Hold on(for a moment),please. 或One moment,please.

He/She isn’t here right now / at the moment.

或I’m sorry he’s / she’s our at the moment. 表示要找的人不在。

★ 在这种情况下,接电话的人表示愿意传话,可说:

Can I take message (for you)?

I’ll leave a message (on her/his desk).

I’ll give her/ him the message.

★ 听电话时,开始要用招呼语,如Hello! Hi! 如要问候对方,就用问候语:

— How are you?

— Fine,thanks. What about you?/And you?

— I'm fine,too. Thank you.

★ 结束时用告别语:Goodbye! /Bye. /See you(tomorrow).等。

另外,在通话过程中可用May I help you?表示可以帮忙,That's very kind of you. 表示感谢,Yes,that would be fine. 表示同意。



教学目标 与要点

4.能够理解和运用部分动词所带否定的宾语从句的否定前置。如:I don't think they can came on time.
5. 除会叙述旅行之外,我们还要给出We should write a short passage about travelling. What do you think of travelling? Is it good or bad? 等题目进行写的练习。


1. 学习新的语法知识:The Object Clause。
2. 熟练掌握有关打电话和旅行的词汇、短语及日常用语。
3. 鼓励学生在学习过程中锻炼听说读写的能力,并不断提高相关知识的语言应用能力。
4. 向学生通过对旅行知识的学习,了解祖国的大好河山,教育他们热爱祖国、建设祖国、保卫祖国的理念。



本单元围绕这一中心话题,结合Lesson 14“Jim’s train ride”和与travel相关的对话Lesson 15开展教学活动。Lesson 13是由格林先生打电话给校长引出了本单元的语法功能项目——宾语从句。由that引导的宾语从句是本单元教学的重点知识之一。本单元学习了用英语写电话留言(telephone message),重现和新学了一些打电话的专用术语。本单元所阐述的有关travel的内容,和我们生活密切相关,如Lesson16,应灵活掌握,就其中的某些问题能有自己的独特见解。对于有关travel的交际用语,学生应学会熟练地使用。


1. 本单元句型及交际用语

(1) — Could I speak to sb, please?

— I’m sorry he isn't here right now.

(2) — May I help you?

— That's very kind of you.

(3) That would be fine.

(4) I’ll leave a message on his desk.

(5) Many thanks.

(6)— What does sb say?

— He/ She says that….

(7) What a pity! I’m sorry I missed it.

(8) How exciting!

(9) You must be very tired.

(10) The score was 2-1.

(11) Hurry up! Or we’ll be late.

(12)It takes about ten minutes.

(13)— What do you think is the fastest way to travel?

— I think the fastest way to travel is by plane.

(14) It takes sb some time to do sth.

(15) I’m free every day except today.

2.  关于打电话的一些专用语:


Hello, could I/may I speak to Carter Bronte?


Hello, is Mr. Parley in?


Hello, this is John here (speaking). Who’s that (speaking)?



Hold on for a moment, please. 请稍等。   

He is on another phone. 他正在接听另一通电话。

May I ask who is calling? 请问是谁?

Is that John (speaking) ? 你是约翰吗?

Sorry, but he is not here at this moment. 对不起,他不在。

The line is bad, please speak a little louder.


Someone wants you on the phone. 您的电话。


Could I take a message for you? 我替您留个口信好吗?

Do you want to leave a message? 您想留个口信吧?

He is not in right now. Would you call back? 他不在,你(一会儿)再打过来好吗?

I’ll hang up now, bye! 我挂了,再见!


1. I hope to see him as soon as possible.

as…as possible是一个固定词组,与as … as I can/ could同义。soon为副词,可将soon换为别的副词或形容词,作“尽可能……地(的)”解。如:

as soon as possible 尽可能早

as quick as possible 尽可能快 

as often as possible 尽量经常 

as friendly as possible尽量友好


(1)You’d better leave here as soon as possible.


(2)Try to be as friendly to your classmates as possible.


(3)Your should go home to see your sick mother as often as possible.


(4)Get up as early as possible tomorrow ==Get up as early as you can.


(5)Will you please say it as clearly as possible? =Will you please say it as clearly as you can?


(6)Do it as quickly as possible =Do it as quickly as you can.尽快去做吧。

需要注意的是as soon as possible指时间的迟早;而as quickly as possible则表示动作的快慢。

2. I’ll leave a message on his desk. 我将在他的桌子上留言。

(1)leave a message. “留言;留话”,类似的还有:

give sb a message 给某人带个口信;

take message带个口信,带个话;

send a message to sb 发信息给某人

(2)leave 的用法归纳

1)离开;出发。词组有:leave…for… 离开…去…;leave for 动身去…,如:

When will you leave Beijing? 你们什么时候离开北京?

We are leaving Beijing for Shanghai. 我们将离开北京去上海。(leave此句中是及物动词)

When are you leaving for London?什么时候你将动身去伦敦?(leave此句中是不及物动词)


I left my bay in your home. 我把我的书包忘在你们家了。

3)过去分词left 用在名词后作宾语,意为“剩下”,如:

Don’t worry, there is some time left. 不要着急,还剩一点时间。


Will you leave the door open? 请把门敞开好吗?

3.I’m free every day except today. 除了今天我每天都空。

在英语中,besides,but和 except作为介词,都有“除……之外”的意思。besides是“除……之外,还有……”是肯定的;而except和but是“除……之外,没有……”是否定的。在否定句中,besides可以和 except,but同义。与but相比,except所含“除外”的意味更明确,语气也更强烈。例如:

(1)All came back besides Kate.除了凯特已回来,其他所有人也回来了。

(2)All came back except/ but Kate.除了凯特,全都回来了。(意思是凯特还没有回来)

(3)I don't want anything but / except this.除了这个,我什么都不要

(4)We go to school everyday except Sunday.除了星期天,我们每天都上学。

4. What does the teacher say?

She says that she will leave a message on the headmaster’s desk.


I hear she will be back in an hour.

He said she lived with her mother.

He told me that the sun is the biggest of the three.




6. It is much cheaper and far more enjoyable than a rushed trip by air.

句中的much和far是用在比较级前表示程度的。类似的还有:a little,still,a lot,even等。例如:

(l)This text is a little more difficult than that one.这篇课文比那篇稍难一点。

(2)I’m feeling even worse today.我今天觉得更不舒服。

(3)I’ve made a lot more mistakes than you have.我犯的错比你犯的多多了。

7. It takes about ten minutes.


“花费某人多长时间做某事”通常使用 It takes/took sb.some time to do sth.句型。


(1) It took me three hours to finish my work.


(2)It usually takes me half an hour to do morning exercises.


8. They kept watching the beautiful scenery out of the window.

The conductor kept coming go offer them hot water and selling them magazines.

此两句中共同用到keep doing,keep作为动词有许多用法:


Will you keep this seat for me?


Does your watch keep good time?


Who holds the position to keep goal? Who’s the goal keeper?



We should keep the motherland in mind and the whole world in view.


We’ll keep you informed.


Sorry to have kept you waiting.



The Chinese people always keep their word.


She keeps regular hours.



How do you keep Spring Festival by yourself?


To keep the Sabbath is a kind of habit of Europeans.



The old man kept his bed for 15 years.


The girl keeps the house.




keep away 站开,使离开

keep back 后退

keep from 阻止

keep down 镇压,控制

keep off 让开,不接近

keep out  靠外,免入

keep under 压制,控制

keep up with 跟上,赶上.




Did you have a good journey?


They went on a long train journey.


It's more than 27 hours 'journey by air from Beijing to London.



This is my trip to the seaside.


Their honeymoon trip to Venice is exciting.



另外,它们的另一个同意词是travel,当travel作名词时,它的“旅行”含义是“出国旅行”。它不能与不定冠词连用,例如: a travel。如果要表示“一次”,我们可以说:“a trip”,“a journey”。

is much cheaper than it used to be.



    I am writing an account of my travels about America.





  She says (that) she will leave a message on the headmaster’s desk. 她说她将在校长的桌子放个留言条。

I hope (that) you’ll have a good holiday. 希望你(们)假日愉快。

2. 后面常接that引导的宾语从句的动词有:think, hope, say, tell, know, see, hear, mean, agree, fell等。如:

I see (that) you come here on foot today. 我看你今天是步行来的。

I hear (that) one of the pandas has a baby.我听说有只熊猫生了个小熊猫。


  Please tell Mr. Hu that I’m working hard on my Chinese. 请告诉胡老师我在努力学习汉语。

  You can see from my photo that I have a big smile and long black hair. 你可以从我的照片中看到我的笑容和黑长发。


  I don’t think any of the programmes is interesting. 我认为这些节目没有一个有趣。

I don’t think chickens can swim. 我认为鸡不会游泳。

3.后面常接宾语从句的形容词有:sure, glad, pleased, happy, afraid等。如:

  I’m sure he would love to come to your birthday party. 我相信他会很乐意参加你的生日聚会。

  We are both very happy that we are twins.  我们俩都为我们是双胞胎而感到高兴。



  I think I’ve lost my key.我想我已把钥匙丢了。

  I see you are on foot today.我看见你今天是步行来的。

  He says Jim will come back soon.他说吉姆很快会回来的。

  I’m glad she didn’t hurt herself.我很高兴她没有伤着自己。



    He said that he had a very good journey home.


    He said he was working hard on his Chinese.



    He said he would have to give presents to all the family, but he hadn't chosen any yet.




    The teacher told us that the sun is the nearest star to us of all.


  (4)Could you tell me… ?是表示“请求”的委婉句型,并不表示过去时,所以其后的宾语从句的时态可根据需要用任何时态。

    Could you tell me what time the plane leaves?


关于Making telephone calls的教学建议



★ 如想找某人听电话时,可说:

May/Could/Can I speak to…, please?

★ 如你就是某人时,可答道:

This is …(speaking). /This is …here/…here / speaking 不能说I’m…

★ 当对方想问你是否某人时,说:

Is that,…(speaking)? 而不说Are you…?

肯定回答是:Yes,it is. 不说Yes,I am.

否定回答是No,this is … 而不是No,I'm…

★ 如要让对方等一等,可说:

Hold on(for a moment),please. 或One moment,please.

He/She isn’t here right now / at the moment.

或I’m sorry he’s / she’s our at the moment. 表示要找的人不在。

★ 在这种情况下,接电话的人表示愿意传话,可说:

Can I take message (for you)?

I’ll leave a message (on her/his desk).

I’ll give her/ him the message.

★ 听电话时,开始要用招呼语,如Hello! Hi! 如要问候对方,就用问候语:

— How are you?

— Fine,thanks. What about you?/And you?

— I'm fine,too. Thank you.

★ 结束时用告别语:Goodbye! /Bye. /See you(tomorrow).等。

另外,在通话过程中可用May I help you?表示可以帮忙,That's very kind of you. 表示感谢,Yes,that would be fine. 表示同意。



Lesson 13

Language Focus:

1. Useful expressions:

Right now, That’s very kind of you. as soon as possible, except, leave a message, many thanks, between… and…

2. Grammar: The Object Clause.

He says that he wants to speak to the headmaster.

He says that he won't be free until tomorrow.

Properties: Recorder, Overhead Projector, Pictures

Teaching Procedures:

I. Showing aims

Get the students know what they will learn in this lesson and what they will do in this class:

1. Master some useful expressions

2. Learn the new grammar: The Object Clause

3. Learn to make dialogues using the Object Clause

II. Revision

1. Check homework.

2. Revise the Present Perfect Tense. Ask: Have you ever been to mountain Emei?

How long have you been there? See if the students can answer them correctly.

3. Revise how to make a telephone call. Ask the students what they will say in the telephone call, help the students to answer with “Hello.” “Could I speak to…?” “This is…speaking.” “Who’s  that, please?” write them on the blackboard.

III. Presentation

Take out two telephone sets, make a telephone call with the students. Ask one best student to answer the telephone:

T: Could I speak to Mrs Yang, Please?

S: I’m sorry. She isn't in. May I help you?

T: That’s very kind of you. I hope to see her on Friday. Could you take a message for me?

S: Certainly.

T: Many thanks. Goodbye.

S: It’s my pleasure.

Have the students practise in pairs, make sure they can make the dialogue freely.

IV. Listen, read and act

Part 1. Speech Casette. Play the tape for the students to listen, then play the tape again for the students to repeat.

Have the students read the dialogue in pairs and ask two or three groups to read.

Ask one group to act out the dialogue.

V. Presentation

Play games with Polly says the teacher says sentence, then asks one student to repeat it, begin with: Polly says…

T: I want to see Miss Yang.

S1: Polly says that she wants to see Miss Yang.

T: I want to go home as soon as possible.

S2: Polly says that she wants to go home as soon as possible.

T: I will go to Beihai soon.

S3: Polly says that she will go to Beihai soon.

Explain the grammar The Object Clause in Chinese, get the students to understand it.

Do Exercise 2 in the workbook to help the students understand the grammar easily.

VI. Practice

The teacher says a word, have the students ask and answer in pairs. For example:

The teacher says: “The girl is reading English.” The students may ask and answer like:

SA: What does the teacher say?

SB: She says that the girl is reading English.

Say sentences as many as possible, make sure the students can ask and answer correctly.

Part 2. Talk about the dialogue of Part 1. Get the students to work in pairs.

VII. Workbook

Do Exercise 1 in pairs, check with the whole class.

For Exercise 2, work on it as homework.

VIII. Summary

Exercise in class

Ask questions in pairs and write them down in the exercise book.

Model: I want to buy a book.

A: What does Polly say?

B: Polly says that she wants to buy a book.

1. He will not come today.

2. I want to speak to Mr Brown.

3. We are going to Mount Emei.

4. I’m free every day except today.

5. I’ll leave a message on the desk.

IX. Homework

Finish off the exercises in the workbook.


Lesson 14

Language Focus:

more than two years, practise speaking English, the Greens, none of the them, keep doing something, fall fast asleep /awake, wake up, last long

Properties: Recorder; Overhead Projector; Pictures.

Teaching Procedures:

I. Showing aims

Have the students know what they will learn in this lesson and what they will do in this class:

1. Master some useful expressions.

2. Read the passage “Jim’s Train Ride” carefully to improve their reading ability.

3. Know something about Mount Emei and some other mounts in China.

II. Revision

1. Check homework.

2. Revise the Object Clause. Play games “Kate says…” Have the students do in groups of three.

v   K: Nancy is not here yet.

v   T: She will be here soon.

v   Y: Nancy is not here yet. I hope that she will be here soon.

v   K : The weather is cloudy.

v   T : It will clear up soon.

v   Y: The weather is cloudy. I hope that it will clear up soon.

v   K: There is a lot of food.

v   T: You can eat more.

v   Y: There is a lot of food. I hope that you can eat more.

v   K: The park is crowded.

v   T: There are enough tables and benches.

v   Y: The park is crowded. I hope that there are enough tables and benches.

III. Pre-read

  Part 1. In small groups have the students answer the questions. Then discuss the questions in class.

Put up a map of China on the blackboard and get the students to show Mount Emei and other mounts such as Mount Hua etc, and talk about some mounts if they know them.

IV. Presentation

Have the students discuss in groups. Ask: “What will they do if they will go travelling?” A few minutes for them to discuss, then ask some of them to give their reports to share with the class.

V. Reading

Part 2. Speech Cassette. Let the students read through the passage to find the answer to the question: How did Jim feel on his trip to Mount Emei? Help the students use these words: happy, exciting, … See if the students can guess the meaning of the new words.

Play the tape. Ask the students to listen carefully. The teacher may stop the tape while the students are listening, and ask the students to go on reading. It can test the students' ability to follow the passage as it is read on the tape.

Using Exercise I in the workbook of Lesson 14, check the students' reading. The students ask and answer in pairs.

VI. Acting

    Divide the students into small groups. Change this passage into a play, ask them to act out this play. One of them plays the part of a narrator, the others play Mr Green, Mrs Green, Jim, the conductor, and fruit shop assistant.

VII. Workbook

Do Exercise 3 in class. Have the students read the sentences and translate them into Chinese, check with the whole class.

For Exercise 2, it can be worked as homework.

Answers for Exercise 2: by, enjoyable, by, took, bus, lively, comfortable, watching, scenery, offer, magazines, nearby, practised, trip / journey, tired.

VIII. Summary

Exercises in class

     Rewrite the following sentences

1. She will have a train ride to Hangzhou. ( She says…)

2. Class Five will have a football match with Class Six. ( The teacher says…)

3. The station is very crowded. ( He said… )

4. A young man is speaking in English. ( Jim said… )

5. The train is quite comfortable. (Jim thought…)

6. There aren’t too many people in their sleeping car. ( Jim told me…)

IX. Homework

Read the passage after class.

Finish off the exercises in the workbook.


Lesson 15

Language Focus:

1. Useful expressions: on a trip; have a football match; What a Pity. How interesting. Have a good time; take photos.

2. The use of “that” in the Object Clause.

Properties: recorder; Overhead Projector; Pictures

Teaching Procedures:

I. Showing aims

Get the students to know what they will learn in this lesson and have the students know what they will do in this class:

1. Master some useful expressions.

2. Go on learning the Grammar: the use of "that in the Object Clause

3. Read and act out the dialogue

II. Revision

1. Check homework.

2. Revise Lesson 14 “Jim’s Train Ride”. First get the students to ask and answer some questions about the passage, see if the students can understand the passage correctly. Get one student to retell the story.

III. Presentation

Present this dialogue:

T: What did you do yesterday?

S: We had a football match. What about you ?

T: We were on a train .We came back from Mount Emei.

S: Really? How exciting. I've never been there. How did you get there?

T: By train. We went there by train.

S: Did you have a good time?

T: Yes, ifs very beautiful.

S: Did you take any photos?

T: Of course.

Show the dialogue on a slide, and ask the students W read it in pairs. Give them a few seconds to practise the dialogue in pairs. Get the students to make their own dialogues. Ask some groups to share their dialogues with the whole class.

IV. Read and act

Part 1. Speech Cassette. Have the students listen to the tape. Then play the tape again for them to repeat. Ask: What did Lin Tao say? Have the students find the answer.

Read the dialogue again, and do Exercise l in the workbook to help them to understand the dialogue and help them to master the grammar: the Object Clause.

V. Practice

Part 2. Have the students ask and answer in pairs. See if the students can use the Object Clause correctly.

VI. Workbook

Do Exercise 3 with the students. Have the students read the passage and guess the   meaning of the new words. Encourage the students to improve their reading ability.

Do Exercise 2. Have a dictation. Dictate some sentences. Then make the students ask and answer in pairs.

VII. Summary

Exercises in class

    Fill in the blanks with the right verb forms.

1. Our teacher told us that you _________ (be) going on a trip.

2. Lin Tao said that he ___________ never __________ (be) there.

3. Jim thought that the train __________ (be) like a big moving party.

4. She says there __________ (be) a big party this weekend.

5. Lin Tao feels that his own team __________ (be) even better.

6. __________ (not be) late for class, the teacher __________ (not be ) happy.

Answers: 1. were 2. had been 3. was 4. will be 5. is 6. Don't be / won't be

VIII. Homework

Read the dialogue and make similar dialogues.


Lesson 16

Language Focus: The Object Clause

Properties: Recorder; Overhead Projector; Pictures

Teaching Procedures:

I. Showing aims

Have the students know what they will learn in this lesson and what they will do in this class:

1. Revise some useful expressions in Unit 4.

2. Train the students’ listening ability by doing listening work.

3. Revise the grammar: the Object Clause.

4. Write a short passage to train the students' writing ability.

II. Revision

Have a dictation. Dictate some useful expressions. Then ask the students to make sentences using the useful expressions:

1. as soon as possible;

2. That would be fine;

3. Keep doing something;

4. Hurry up;

5. Fall fast asleep;

6. Wake up.

For example:

1. Please come back as soon as possible.

2. Let’s go. That would be fine.

3. He kept me reading the passage for a long time.

4. Hurry up, or you will miss the train.

5. He listened to the light music and fell fast asleep.

6.I woke up early this morning.

My mother woke me up early this morning.

III. Listening

Listening Cassette. Books closed. Play the tape once or twice for the students to listen and do Exercise I in the workbook. Make sure the students can understand them. Show one or two students’ passage on the slide, check with the whole class.

IV. Practice

Part 2. Ask and answer in pairs with the help of the table in the book. Then pass the passage on to the students next to them, see if the students can use the Object Clause freely.

V. Write

Part 4. We can fill in the form in class. Get the students to give out their ideas about the travelling.

If there is no time, we can leave the writing work as homework.

VI. Game

Part 5. Play this game in class if time permits. Get one student to say a sentence, and he can't let all the students hear clearly, then one student may say: I can't hear him, another student may repeat the sentence, Begin with: He says that…

VII. Checkpoint 4

Go though Checkpoint 4 in the usual way. Explain any problems that the students may have. Get the students to go over the grammar notes. Make sentences using the useful expressions.

VIII. Workbook

For Exercise 2, have the students read the long sentences, first listen to the teacher, then get them to read individually .Pay attention to the sentence stress, pause and intonation.

For Exercise 3, have the students make up the sentences, see who can make the most sentences, and make correct sentences.

Do Exercise 4 as homework.

IX. Summary

Exercise in class



Last week my parents and I took a two-day trip to Emei

Mountain in Sichuan. As everyone knows, it’s famous 1. ____________

mountain with all kinds of plants and animals. The weather 2. ____________

was fine. It was about noon we arrived at the foot of 3. ____________

the mountain. The three of them were very excited. As we 4. ____________

climbed the mountain, we fed monkeys, visiting temples 5. ____________

and told stories. On the way up I was busy taking picture 6. ____________

since the scenery was so beautiful. The time passes quickly. 7. ____________

Evening came down. We spent the night in a hotel at the top 8. ____________

of the mountain. The food was expensive and the service was 9. ____________

good. I was so tired that I fell asleep at the moment my 10. ____________

head touched the pillow.


Last week my parents and I took a two-day trip to Emei

Mountain in Sichuan. As everyone knows, it’s ∧famous 1. _____a_______

mountain with all kinds of plants and animals. The weather 2. _____√______

was fine. It was about noon ∧ we arrived at the foot of 3. ___when______

the mountain. The three of them were very excited. As we 4. ____us _______

climbed the mountain, we fed monkeys, visiting temples 5. ____visited____

and told stories. On the way up I was busy taking picture 6. ____ pictures__

since the scenery was so beautiful. The time passes quickly. 7. ____passed____

Evening came down. We spent the night in a hotel at the top 8. ____ down ____

of the mountain. The food was expensive and the service was 9. _____but _____

good. I was so tired that I fell asleep at the moment my 10. ____ at _____

head touched the pillow.

X. Homework

Finish off the exercises in the workbook.



先将学生分成若干表演小组,每个小组自行将课文Jim' train ride 改编成剧本。教师给出相关提示,如:
剧中人包括:a narrator,Jim Green,Mr Green,Mrs Green,the conductor,fruit shop assistant。
1. He will have a train ride to Beijing. ( He says…)
2. Class Three will have a football match with Class Two. ( The teacher says…)
3. The station is very lively. ( He said… )
4. A young man is practicing /practicing speaking English. ( Jim said… )
5. The train is quite comfortable. (Jim thought…)
6. There aren't too many people in their sleeping car. ( Jim told me…)



T: Could I speak to Mrs Yang, Please?
S: I'm sorry. She isn't in. May I help you?
T: That's very kind of you. I hope to see her on Friday. Could you take amessage for me?
S: Certainly.
T: Many thanks. Goodbye.
S: It's my pleasure.


Hello, could I/may I speak to Carter Bronte?
Hello, is Mr. Parley in?
Hello, this is John here (speaking). Who's that (speaking)?
Hold on for a moment, please. 请稍等。
He is on another phone. 他正在接听另一通电话。
May I ask who is calling? 请问是谁?
Is that John (speaking) ? 你是约翰吗?
Sorry, but he is not here at this moment. 对不起,他不在。
The line is bad, please speak a little louder.
Someone wants you on the phone. 您的电话。
Could I take a message for you? 我替您留个口信好吗?
Do you want to leave a message? 您想留个口信吧?
He is not in right now. Would you call back? 他不在,你(一会儿)再打过来好吗?
I'll hang up now, bye! 我挂了,再见!

Someone says练习

H: I think that the weather will be nice this weekend.
T: We should go somewhere.
H: I think that we should go somewhere.
T: We should drive to the beach.
H: I think that we should drive to the beach.
T: It'll be a good trip.
H: I think that it'll be a good trip.
T: You'll enjoy it.
H: I think that you'll enjoy it.

Play games someone says sentence, then asks one student to repeat it, begin with:
Polly says…
T: I want to see Miss Yang.
S1: Polly says that she wants to see Miss Yang.
T: I want to read English as soon as possible.
S2: Polly says that she wants to read English as soon as possible.
T: I will go to Beijing soon.
S3: Polly says that she will go to Beijing soon.

Teacher says…

The teacher says a word, have the students ask and answer in pairs. For example:
The teacher says: "The girl is reading English." The students may ask and answer like:
SA: What does the teacher say?
SB: She says that the girl is reading English.
T: I want to eat an apple.
SA: What does the teacher say?
SB: The teacher says that she wants to have an apple.

1. He isn't able to come today.
2. I want to speak to my son.
3. We are going to Mount Emei.
4. I'm free every day except today.
5. I'll leave a message on the desk.



