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The flight was late教案

module 1 travel
unit 1 the flight was late.
target language 语言目标:
1. key vocabulary 重点词汇
airplane  coach  departure  lounge  transport
2. key phrases 重点短语
departure lounge  full of  because of  have a good time  by bus/coach
3. key structures 重点句式
the trip back was very long.
i had to stand for over six hours.
it’s the busiest season in china because of spring festival.
better get back to work.
we’ll have a great time.
language skill 能力目标:
enable the students to listen to and talk about trips.
  to improve listening and speaking ability.
teaching methods 教学方法
listening and speaking, pairwork, group work
teaching important/difficult points教学重难点
how to talk about trips.
teaching aids 教具准备
tape recorder, a projector and a computer.
teaching procedures and ways 教学过程
step 1 greeting
step 2 warming up and lead-in
in this procedure, try to make students understand the new words.
t: do you like trvelling, tony?
s: yes, i like it a lot.
t: how do you often travel?
s: i often travel by plane.
t: what about you, jim?
s: i often travel by train.
t: we all like travelling. it’s very exciting and interesting. ok, let’s look at the pictures on the screen and talk about them.
bike             car           subway          coach    
    taxi              train              airplane            ship
encourage the students to make a conversation in pairs.
t: do you know what are these?
ss: …(speaking the new words out)
t: good! these are some tools of transport. now ask and answer in pairs like this:
a: which of these forms of transport do you …
1. like most  2. like least  3. use most often  4. use least often
  b: i like train most.
  a: why?
  b: because it’s comfortable.
ss: … (working in pairs)
step 3 listening and speaking
ask students to listen and answer the questions in activity 2.
t: here’s a recording about tony and his father. now listen and answer the questions by using the words in the box.



