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17. look down to ___________________     18. look across to _________________
19.look to one’s left and right __________    20.disappear into the distance _____________
21. arrive at __________ arrive in ____________ get to /reach ______________
22. be afraid of ______________             be afraid to do sth _____________________
23. because of _______________            24 . look forward to (doing ) sth ___________
25. (all) kinds of ____________ a kind of _________ kind of ________________
26. thousands of ___________ 27.listen up ___________ 28. look for _____________            29. find out ______________30. as far as _________ 31. not ----any more_________________
32. no more _____________        33. not -----any longer________________
34. think about __________think over ____________think of ________________
35. go on doing sth _________go on to do sth __________36. be influenced by _____________ 37. be famous/ well-known for _____________ be famous/ well known as __________-__
38. run away____________39, in the middle of ____________40 for a time ______________  41. be surprised to do sth ______________42. be pleased to do sth____________
43. be pleased with __________44. see sb alive _________45. do with __________________
46. grow up ____________ 47. become serious _________48. be published for _____________   49. bad behaviour___________________50. all over the world _______________________

1. 我一点都不知道呢。
  that’s __________ ___________ me.
2. 我们要记录下学校每天发生的事,还要告诉大家学校音乐会以及舞蹈俱乐部的事情。
  we’ll write ________ _________ ________ school events, and ________everyone ________ school concert and the dance club.
3. 我要就我们喜爱的乐队和电影些一些评论。
  i’ll do some ________ about our favorite bands and movies.
4. 太阳从我身后的岩石远处升起。 我看见地面沉降至下面深谷中的一条河里。
  the sun _______ behind me and beyond the rocks. i saw that the ground ________ ________ and down to a river.
5. 我俯视着科罗拉多河。
  i ________ ________ _________ the colorado river.
6. 凭我记忆,这本杂志是becky wang 创办的。
  _____ ______ ______ i remember, the magazine was started by becky wang.
7. 我们依然被孔子的思想影响着。
  we ________ still __________ by confucius’s thoughts.



