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       a. be given    b. has been given   c. will be given     d. will give
(   ) 7. you may go fishing if your work _______.
       a. is done    b. will be done     c. has done        d. have done
(   ) 8. ---what do you think of the football match yesterday?
       ---well. it’s surprising. the strongest team of our school _______.
       a. was beaten     b. won        c. scored          d. was failed
(   ) 9. ---would your younger brother go for a picnic this sunday?
       ---if i don’t go, _______.
       a. so does he  b. so he will   c. neither will he   d. neither does he
(   ) 10. the trees must _______ three times a week.
       a. water     b. is watering      c. be watered      d. waters
(   )11.---it is very _____ of you to answer so many difficult questions.
---thank you.
a. clever    b. pretty    c. strict      d. healthy
(   )12.---how many ____ is the usa made up of?
a. cities     b. states     c. countries      d. companies
(   )13---what do you want to be when you _____?
---a doctor.
a. look up    b. come up      c. get up      d. grow up
(   )14.---____ will they finish printing the newspaper?
       ---in five hours.
a. how much    b. how often    c. how soon      d. how long
(   )15.---why not buy a radio and learn english on the radio?
a. sounds like a good idea!          b. it doesn’t matter.   
c. thanks for your help.             d. sorry to hear that.

v。 选词填空

a number of , look over , because of , go down ,be known for
punish  , as far as you know , on the edge of , a bit , be made into



