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 2.i was looking at the s__________(雕塑). it looks real.
 3.it’s kind of f________(熟悉) . it looks like daming.
 4. the most u________(不同寻常的) museum in london is the science museum.
 5. you aren’t allowed to touch the e_________(展品) in most museums.
 6. look, he is f__________(填满) a bag with falling sand.
 7. you can d________(顺便参观) in the science museum for a few minutes.
 8. he wants to move the truck into the correct p_________(位置).
 9.you can compare your s_________ (速度)with animals there.
 10. it’s w__________(浪费) to throw away glass, paper and metal.
 11. so every class collects r_________ (可循环的)waste, sells it for recycling.
 12. everyone agrees we must be c__________(当心的) about pollution.
 13. i’m hopeful that everyone thinks about p__________(污染).
 14. if we don’t protect the air and water, the future will be h_______(无希望的).
15. do you buy clothes just because they are the l________(最新的) fashion?
 16. r__________ (减少)means “use less”.
 17. do you s______ (分类)the waste before throwing it away?
 18. waste does h_________ (危害)to our environment every day.
 19. we should buy products made from recycled m_________(材料).
 20. the simplest everyday activities can make a d_____(不同)to the environment.

1. as well _______________            2. as well as ________________
3. be familiar with ___________         4. on one’s own _______________
5. pay attention to _______________     pay no attention to ______________
6. hang on ______________________     7. have got to do sth ___________
8. by friday ________________         9. go off ______________
10. no wonder _______________        11. be busy doing sth ___________
12, be busy with sth ________________  13. do experiments ________________
14. (sb ) be not allowed to do sth ________________________
15. be different from _________________ 16. learn about sth________________
17. work things out __________________ 18. try out ideas __________________
19. fill sth with sth ___________________ be filled with _____________________
20. travel into space ______________    21. fast enough ________________
22. obey the rules ________________    23. above all __________________



