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四. 重点语法讲练
1.that, which, who 引导的定语从句
定语从句即是用从句作___________成分,修饰______或________。被修饰的词叫作___________;从句与先行词之间的连接词叫作__________。指物体时,常见引导词有that/which;指人时,常见引导词有who. whom 等
2.that 和which的区别
eg. 1). the camel____________ i rode had a bad temper.
   2). it successfully shows the rich culture ___________ makes beijing so famous.
   3) he put away the book from___________ he had learned a lot.

 1.the book ______ you want is on the desk. which of the following isn’t right?
a. that   b. which  c./  d. it
2.i’ll never forget the days ______ we spent together in the country.
a. which  b. on which  c. when  d, on that
3.is that book ______ he borrowed on friday?
a. that  b. which  c. the one  d. who
4. mr. herpin is one of the foreign experts who___in china.
a. works     b. is working    c. are working    d. has been working
5.the first school ______ we visited yesterday is not far from here.
a. that  b. which  c. to which  d. where
6.we should learn from those___ are always ready to help others.
a. who  b. whom    c. they    d. that
7.the train ______ she was traveling was five minutes late.
a. that  b. on that  c. by which  d. on which
8.the teacher said ______ wanted to go to the cinema must be there before 6:00,
a. those who  b. that  c. who  d. which
9.______ has questions is welcome to ask.
a. who  b. anyone  c. those  d. anyone who
10.is there anything __________ i can do for you?
  a. which      b. what        c . that          d. on which

1. don’t talk about such things __ you are not sure.
a. which   b. what   c. as   d. those
2. is this the factory __ you visited the other day?
a. that   b. where     c. in which   d. the one
3.finally, the thief handed everything __he had stolen to the police.
a. which    b. what    c. whatever   d. that
4. all ____is needed is a supply of oil. 
a. the thing   b. that   c. what    d. which



