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just then, my father came over, “are you enjoying yourselves, you two?” he asked. then he saw the strange black thing. “what’s that?” he said, bending down to take a closer look. suddenly, he said, “quick kids, get away from here. go and play somewhere else.”
we went and played further down the beach, while dad ran up to the shop near the beach to make a phone call. about 20 minutes later, we heard the noise of cars and trucks arriving, and a lot of soldiers ran onto the beach. they told everyone to leave the beach and stay away from it.
about half an hour later, we were sitting with dad in a café a few hundred metres from the beach, when we heard an enormous explosion (爆炸). “what was that?” we asked dad. “that was the thing you found,” he said. “one of the soldiers down there told me it was a japanese bomb(炸弹)from world war ii. sometimes they get washed up on the beaches here.”
1. the object they found was _______.
a. in the sand near the water     b. in the sea
c. lying on the beach    d. floating (漂) on the sea
2. when dad saw the object, he _______.
a. told the kids to play with it somewhere else  b. knew it was something dangerous
c. decided to move it quickly    d. picked it up to take a closer look
3. dad went to a shop near the beach_______.
a. to meet the soldiers       b. to buy some drinks for the kids
c. to call for help     d. in order to get away from the beach
4. the bomb on the beach_______.
a. was washed up by accident  b. killed many people
c. was put there by the japanese  d. was carried away by the australian soldiers

take a class at dulangkou school, and you’ll see lots of things different from other schools. you can see the desks are not in rows and students sit in groups. they put their desks together so they’re facing each other. how can they see the blackboard? there are three blackboards on the three walls of the classroom!
the school calls the new way of learning “tuantuanzuo”, meaning sitting in groups. wei liying, a junior 3 teacher, said it was to give students more chance to communicate.
each group has five or six students, according to wei, and they play different roles (角色). there is a team leader who takes care of the whole group. there is a “study leader” who makes sure that everyone finishes their homework. and there is a discipline (纪律) leader who makes sure that nobody chats in class.
wang lin is a team leader. the 15-year-old said that having to deal with so many things was tiring.



