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9. (·滨州中考) –there is little milk in the milk bag, ________ there?   a. is   b. isn’t      c. aren’t     d. are 
10. (·孝感) bob, you watched the fashion show last night, ________?
  a. weren’t you     b. didn’t you    c. haven’t you      d. won’t you
11. (山东东营)  -you won’t be late, ________?  
a. should you      b. will you     c. don’t you     d. can you
12. (绥化) there is no important information in the newspaper, _____?
a. isn’t there       b. is it            c. is there 
13. (四川南充) there are two libraries in this city, _______? 
a. aren’t there      b. aren’t they      c. are two 
14. (山东威海) mom, my grandfather goes for a walk after supper every day, _______?
   a. does he         b. is he           c. doesn’t he     d. isn’t he 
15. (山东临沂) liu qian has made magic a hot word, _______ he?
a. doesn’t          b. didn’t          c. hasn’t           d. isn’t  
16. (·山东中考) –you aren’t a professional football player, are you? -______. i am just a football fan. 
a. yes, i am     b. no, i’m not    c. of course     d. sometimes 
17. (福州) –millions of people know about susan boyle now, _______?
____, she becomes well-known because of her success on britain’s got talent.
a. do they; no   b. do they; yes   c. don’t they; no   d. don’t they; yes
18. (·锦州中考) he’s fed the dog and the cat, _______?
   a. doesn’t he     b. isn’t he     c. wasn’t he  d. hasn’t he
19. (安徽芜湖) john, clean your room, _______?  
a. will you    b. shall we     c. don’t you        d. doesn’t he
20. (柳州) i don’t think she has gone to beijing, _______?  


