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外研版九年级英语上册Module 12同步教案

( ) 7. a. in  b. with  c. about  d. for
( ) 8. a. fun  b. important  c. useful  d. dangerous
( ) 9. a. turn on  b. turn off  c. open  d. close
( ) 10. a. how  b. where  c. which  d. what

miss clarke works in a hospital. she’s friendly to the patients and takes good care of them. so they like her and most of them give her some presents when they come out of hospital.
it was saturday. miss clarke didn’t go to work. but she had to give an old woman some medical care(医疗护理)in her house outside the town. she got on a bus and found there were many people in it and couldn’t find any seats. at that moment an old man near the door was going to stand up. the girl made him back to his seat.
“thank you, sir”, said miss clarke. “but please don’t do that. i’m able to stand.”
“but, madam, let me...” began the old man. “i ask you to keep your seat,” interrupted(打断)the girl with her hands on his shoulders(肩膀).
but the old man tried to stand up, saying, “madam, will you kindly let me?”
“no, no,” miss clarke said again and made him back.
at last the old man stood up, saying, “madam, you’ve carried me three stops beyond(超过)my house.”
( ) 1. the patients give miss clarke some presents because _______.
a. she needs some help      b. she asks them to do so
c. she’s a good nurse      d. she saved them
( ) 2. miss clarke stood ______ after she got on the bus.
a. behind the river      b. in front of the conductor
c. behind the old man      d. near the door
( ) 3. the old man wanted to ______, so he tried to stand up.
a. get off        b. make room for the girl
c. talk with the girl      d. thank the girl
( ) 4. miss clarke hoped to _____ and made the old man back to his seat.
a. find a seat herself      b. take another bus
c. stand for a while      d. be polite
( ) 5. the old man was carried three stops beyond his house because ______.
a. he didn’t know where to get off   b. miss clarke stopped him to stand up
c. he had forgotten his address  d. it was too crowded in the bus

greenland is the largest island in the world. it is in the north of europe. near greenland is another island. it is small. it’s named iceland. do you think that greenland is green and warm? do you think that iceland is white with ice? if you do, you are wrong. not many people live on the big island of greenland. there are more people in your hometown than in all of greenland. that is because greenland isn’t green. greenland is white. most of the island is covered with lots of ice. the ice covering greenland is higher than the world’s tall building. what about iceland? is it colder than greenland? no, it isn’t. iceland has ice, but not so much as greenland. iceland has a lot of springs. they give out hot water and steam. the climate isn’t as cold as greenland. and there are a lot more people who live on iceland.



