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Unit 1 How do you study for a test ?

unit 1 how do you study for a test ?
teaching goals:
1. 学会用by短语表达学习方法。
2. vocabulary: flashcard , take notes ,frustrating ,memorize ,aloud ,comma ,make mistakes ,pronunciation ,be afraid of ,why don’t you … ?
3. pattern: how do you study for a test ?
          well .i study by working with my classmates.
          have you ever studied with a group?
          yes , i have .i’ve learned a lot that way .
important and difficult points:
1. functions: talk about how to study.
2. structures: verb + by with gerund.
teaching aids: tape and tape recorder, some flashcards.

period  1
teaching contents : section a 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c.
teaching procedures:
step 1  leading in
1. greetings .
2. ask some students about their summer holiday
step 2  pre-task
sb page 2, 1a .
1. ask several students to tell you how they study for a test .write their answers on the blackboard .
2. call some volunteers to read the phrases on page 2 .explain something about the structures “verb + by with gerund ”.
3. read the phrases ,students repeat .
step 3  while-task
sb page 2, 1b .
read the instructions to the students and make sure students know what to do .then play recording and check the answers .
sb page 2 , 1c .
1. first students work in pairs to talk about the picture .
2. then ask several pairs to present their dialogues .
sb page 3 , 2a & 2b .
1. read the instructions to students and ask some volunteers to read after you if necessary .
2. play the recording ,students finish the work .check the answers .
3. ask some students to read the questions and answers in pairs.
step 4  post-task
1. in pairs ,students talk about how to study for several minutes .
2. ask some students how they study individually .
3. sb page 3 , 2c .get students work in pairs .ask a few pairs to present their conversations .
step 5  grammar focus
read the questions and answers in the grammar box .students repeat .explain something about them if it is necessary .
step 6  homework
1. i study english                       (看英语杂志).



