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By the time I got outside the bus had already教案

unit 6 by the time i got outside, the bus had already left.
一、学习目标(language goal)
1.learn to narrate past events.学会描述过去所发生的事情。
2.learn to express something with past perfect tense. 学习使用过去完成时态。
3.strengthen the consciousness of doing things regularly.做事加强连续性,有条不紊。

二、重点词组(key phrases)
1.by the time 到…时候为   2.get outside 到外边
3.get to school 到学校     4.get up 起床
5.get into the shower 去洗澡   6.get home 到家
7.start doing / to do sth. 开始做某事  8.be late for 迟到
9.go off (闹钟)闹响      10.wake up 醒来
11.come out 出来,出现   12.run off 迅速离开,跑掉
13.on time 准时       14.in time 及时
15.come by (走)过来    16.give sb. a ride 让某人搭车
17.break down 损坏,坏掉   18.show up 出席,露面
19.stay up 熬夜    20.a costume party 一个化装舞会
21.sth. happen to sb. 某事发生在某人身上   22.so …that … 如此…以至于
23.set off 出发,开始   24.april fool's day 愚人节
25.get married 结婚   26.marry sb. 与某人结婚
27.both …and … 二者…都… 28.get dressed 穿好衣服29.on the first day 在第一天

1.by the time she got up, her brother had already gone into the bathroom.
 2.by the ti me she went outside, the bus had already gone
3.by the time she got to class, the teacher had already started teaching.
4.when she got to school, she realized she had left her backpack at home
5.have you ever overslept?  6.have you ever been late for school?

四、[重点难点释义](language point s)
1.get to 意为“到达”。例如:when did you get there last night?  你昨晚什么时候到那儿的?
i get home at 7:00 every day.  我每天7:00到家。
when i got to the cinema, the film had already begun.
辨析:get, arrive与reach
(1)get和arrive都是不及物动词,其后只能跟表示地点的副词,若是跟名词则须再加介词,即get to +地点名词,arrive in / at +地点名词(in 之后跟表示大地方的词,at之后跟表示小地方的词)。若是只说“到达”,而不指出到达哪里,则只能用arrive。例如:[来源:z。。]
how did you get / arrive there? 你怎么到那儿的?
i got to / arrived in beijing the day before yesterday.  我前天到的北京。
when do you often get to / arrive at school?   你经常什么时候到校?
when will you arrive?  你什么时候到?



