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unit 7
ⅰ. 单项选择(15分)
(  ) 1. i sat by the window and enjoyed the        outside.
a. trips   b. sights   c. findings   d. lyrics
(  ) 2. — wher e would you  like to go        vacation?
— well, i hope to visit paris.
a. to   b. in    c. on    d. at
(  ) 3. my english teacher has a strange way of making his class        and interesting.
a. boring  b. convenient  c. peaceful   d. lively
(  ) 4. she has so much        to do besides translating the article.
       a. other       b. else          c. another        d. others
(  ) 5. — would you love to go        ?
      — sure, i’d love to.
       a. interesting anything           b. anything interesting 
c. interesting somewhere         d. somewhere interesting
(  ) 6. paris is very big. you’d bette r ______ the city by subway.
     a. get up  b. get around   c. get on      d. get off
(  ) 7. it’s best _______ australia in summer.
a. visiting   b. to visit     c. visit     d. visited
(  ) 8.—i hear _______ students in your class like hiking on weekends.
     —yes, you are right. exercise is good for us.
       a. quite a bit    b. a quite bit      c. a few quite     d. quite a few
(  ) 9 —have you ever been to qufu?
     —yes. i went there last year. it’s a very _______ place.
       a. educational   b. dangerous     c. difficult        d. delicious
(  )10. some robots are _________ to do the same things ________ people.
a. enough smart; as               b. enough smart; with



