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Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes教案

girl: but i _______ _______ go to the mall . gaby's g__________ her ears p_________and i want to w____________.
woman: i don't think sixteen -year-olds should be allowed to ____________ their ________  ___________. they might be s___________ l___________.
girl: i a_________, but it's f__________ to watch. is it ok _______ we t_________ the bus?
woman : well, i g_________ so.
gril: great! i want to b________ a new blouse at the m_________ , too.
woman: what l________ are you going to buy ? m_________ i should f___________ you.
girl:  _________ i'm n_________ __________a child. i think t__________ should be all ______ to c___________ their o________ clothes.
woman: well, i _________ want to be s__________ you get s_________ nice.
(1)glrls aren't a___________ to go out atnight.
(2)the boy is strong e_________ to carry the heavy box.
(3) "please show me your l____________."the man said to the shopkeeper.
(4) he didn't answer the questions, l_________ he asked why he could't go.
you ____________________ you ears____________.
teenages _________________ to ______________________.
we ______________________to _______________ our _______________ job.
he ___________________________ more ______________ computers.
they are talking ____________________ their homework.

第2课时 unit 3 section a 1 3a--2c(总第13课时)
【learning objectives】
1.knowing: stay up
2.habit-forming:  i'm allowed to study at a friend's house.
               i have to... don't ...you can't...
4.communicating: talk about what you are allowed to do.
【important points】
1、一般现在时的被动语态  2.自由谈论规则
【learning process】
task 1 : 进一步学习一般现在时的被动语态
1、你认为应允许15岁的学生做下列事吗?为什么? 利用上节课句型两人一组操练.
    surf the internet    drive  wear earring  make boyor girl friend
2、在你家里,父母允许/不允许你做什么? 理解并表演下列对话
 a: what   are   you  allowed to do in your family :
 b: i'm allowed to get up at nine o'clock on weekends. what about you ?a: me,too. and i'm allowed to watch tv for 2 hours.
b: are you allowed to meet friends ?a: yes, i am. what about jim ?
 b: he is allowed to play football with his friends,



