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一派天真 点赞 分享


Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes教案

     a. i agree          b. i don’t think so    c. i don’t know     d. i disagree
(    )3. the sun _ _        ___ at night .
       a. can be seen      b. can't see          c. can't be seen     d doesn't see
(    )4. –i usually watch tv till 11p.m . – really? are you            ?
     a. allowed to stay up  b. allow to stay up   c. allowing staying up  d. allowed stay up
(    )5. let’s play football               at home.
      a. instead stay     b. instead of staying   c. instead staying     d. instead staying
(    )6. it’s very cold outside. you need         warm clothes if you go out.
      a. wearing        b. to wear           c. to wearing         d. wears
(    )7. smoking           in the cinema. please stop              .
      a. allows, to smoke             b. is allowed, smoking 
c. isn’t allowed, smoking        d. isn’t, to smoke
(    )8. she ate sandwiches this morning.           .
       a. so do i        b. so i did          c. so did i           d. so am i
(    )9. good books __     __ again and again.
         a. should be readed   b. should be read    c. must read          d. may read
(    )10.my grandparents                 us children, but they look serious.


