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Entertainment and Friendship教案

t: great! how wonderful! there are so many programs. but which one is your favorite, tv plays, cartoon or quiz shows?
s5: i like watching tv plays better than quiz shows.
t: i see. s5 says he/she would rather watch tv plays than quiz shows. what about you, s6?
s6: i would rather watch cctv news. but i don’t like sports shows.
t: s6 says he/she likes watching cctv news. but he/she would rather not watch sports shows. how about you, s7?
s7: i would rather not watch tv. i like surfing the internet.
t: s7 says he/she would rather surf the internet than watch tv.
he/she would rather watch tv plays than quiz shows. →would rather do sth. than sth.
he/she would rather not watch sports shows. →would rather not do sth.
he/she would rather surf the internet than watch tv. →would rather do sth. than do sth.
2. (让学生结对讨论各自喜欢的电视节目,并说明原因。)
t: we’ve discussed some tv programs. now, let’s discuss what programs you would like to watch. you’d better give your reasons. work in pairs.let’s begin!
t: now, stop here. s8 and s9, please show us your job.
s8: which program do you prefer, tv plays or sports shows?
s9: i would rather watch tv plays than sports shows because tv plays are more interesting.
how about you?
s8: i would rather watch news reports because i can learn a lot of things at home and abroad from it.
t: what do you think of their job?
ss: good!
step2 presentation 第二步  呈 现(时间:10分钟)
1. (呈现1a。)
t: we’ve talked much about tv programs and our preference. now, let’s learn what kangkang and his friends like to watch. listen to the tape and answer the following questions:
(1) what does michael want kangkang to do?
(2) why does maria like watching tv shows?
(3) what do michael and kangkang think of watching quiz shows?
t: now listen to the tape carefully!
t: could you answer the questions on the blackboard? any volunteers?
ok, s1, please! question 1.
s1: michael wants kangkang to teach him to play chinese chess.
t: great. s2, please answer question 2.
s2: because she thinks tv shows are wonderful and she can learn a lot from them.
t: you are wonderful!s3, could you give the answer to question 3?
s3: ok. they think quiz shows are very boring./they don’t like quiz shows.
t: very good.


