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Entertainment and Friendship教案

(1) my feeling.
(2) the reasons for my excitement and happiness.
(3) what i’ve learnt and done during the three years.
(4) the most moving event.
(5) my plan for the future.
step 5  project 第五步  综合探究活动(时间:5分钟)
1. (练习写毕业典礼演讲稿。)
t: i think most of you have prepared for writing a speech. now, write it on your exercise book. there are some requirements for you.
(1) 先列出提纲,再写正文。
(2) 文章中尽量能运用已学或你收集的谚语或俗语。如:
①where there is a will, there is a way.
②it’s the thought that counts.
③no pains, no gains.
(3) 词数:80-100。
2. homework
think of the things that have happened between you and your classmates during the past three years. which ones do you think are not good for you? show your reasons.
i will remember our friendship forever.
section b
say goodbye to … unforgettable
get along well with … bottom
beg one’s pardon
section c
the main activities are 1a, 2 and 3. 本课重点活动是1a, 2和3。
ⅰ. teaching aims and demands教学目标
1. master the new phrase:
come to
2. learn to talk about the feelings about farewells.
3. learn some information about graduation.
ⅱ. teaching aids教具
ⅲ. five-finger teaching plan五指教学方案
step 1  review 第一步  复习(时间:10分钟)
1. (向学生出示康康做演讲的图片,展开毕业典礼话题。复习section a和section b中的内容。)
t: hello, boys and girls, what’s kangkang doing?
ss: he is making a speech.
t: where is he making the speech?
ss: he is making the speech at the graduation ceremony.
t: when will they graduate from ren’ai international school?
ss: at this weekend.
t: what must they do before graduation?
ss: they must pass the final examination.
t: what will michael do to get ready for their graduation ceremony?
ss: he will write some words on the blackboard with colored chalks.
t: what has jane done for it?
ss: she’s got many cards.
t: what has kangkang done for it?
ss: he’s prepared a large package of presents.
t: you will graduate very soon. what will you do for it?
s1: i will …
s2: i …
s3: …
t: you have been together at school for about three years. the days you have spent together will be a beautiful memory in your life. so we say they are the golden old days. how are you feeling now?
s4: i feel excited because i will go to another school to learn more.
s5: i feel worried because i must pass the final examination.
s6: i feel proud because i won the prize of “excellent student” in my class.


