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Unit 9  When was it invented? 导学案

8.  edison i     many useful i        in his life. the light         (invent)by him.
9. the telephone       (invent) in 1876. i think          ( 最有用的发明) is the light bulb.
10. the battery-operated slippers                (被用来)        (see) in the dark.
11. these books are used only        teachers.请选择(for/as/by/to)
12. the shoes with adjustable heels        (被用来)      (change)the style of the shoes.

二、 落实预习

三、 小组探究
a) action 1: get the students to make their own sentences with the words of action 1 .(10mins)
ask some groups to give the others their sentences ,and check them
b)   拓展:描述你曾吃过的食品
酸的     甜的       咸的        脆的     辣的       苦味的 bitter
            potato chips 2.       lemon 3.        ice cream 4.        tea
  c) action 2 : find out when these things were invented and then write about them .
三 达标检测:
1. 薯条是无意中被发明的。
potato chips were __________ _______ __________.
2. 顾客认为土豆不够薄。
the __________ thought the potatoes weren’t ________ ________.
3. 薯条是一个名叫乔治克拉姆的大厨发明的。
potato chips ______ _________by a chef ______ george crum.
4. 他把它们炸了很久直到酥脆。并且撒了很多盐因此它们很咸。
he cooked them _____ a long time_______they were _________.
5. 谁发明了茶?(茶是谁发明的?)
who ________ tea?
=who was tea _______  _______?
6. 你知道茶这种在世界上最受欢迎的饮料〔在水之后〕是意外被发现的吗?
did you know that tea,the most ______ ________in the world(_______ ________) was invented _______ ________.
7. 尽管茶直到16XX年才被带到西方国家,但是这种饮料在那之前3000多年前就已被发现了。
__________ tea wasn’t __________ to the western world ________ 1610 ,the ________ was _________ _________ three thousand years ___________ that.



